Moskovskij Komsomolets (Russian: Московский комсомолец, lit. 'Moscow Komsomolets') is a Moscow-based daily newspaper with a circulation approaching one million, covering general news. Founded in 1919, it is famed for its topical reporting on Russian politics and society. The newspaper was first published by the Moscow Committee of the Komsomol on 11 December 1919 as Yuny Kommunar (Russian: Юный коммунар, lit. 'Young Communard'). Over the next years it changed its name several time, starting a few months after the first issue when it became the Yunosheskaya Pravda (Russian: Юношеская правда, lit. 'Youth Truth'). In 1924, after Vladimir Lenin's death, it was renamed to Molodoy Leninets (Russian: Молодой ленинец, lit. 'Young Leninist'). It took its present-day name in September 1929. More information...
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