آن سبنسر (Arabic Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "آن سبنسر" in Arabic language version.

Global rank Arabic rank
43rd place
2nd place
low place
4,391st place
325th place
30th place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place



  • Virginia Blain; Isobel Grundy; Patricia Clements (1990), The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present (بالإنجليزية), p. 1014, OL:2727330W, QID:Q18328141


  • http://www.poemhunter.com/anne-spencer/. {{استشهاد ويب}}: |url= بحاجة لعنوان (مساعدة) والوسيط |title= غير موجود أو فارغ (من ويكي بيانات) (مساعدة)



  • Jessie Carney Smith, Notable Black American Women (بالإنجليزية), QID:Q105958972
  • Virginia Blain; Isobel Grundy; Patricia Clements (1990), The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present (بالإنجليزية), p. 1014, OL:2727330W, QID:Q18328141
  • American Women Writers: A Critical Reference Guide from Colonial Times to the Present (بالإنجليزية), 1979, QID:Q106787730