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Björn-Ole Kamm: Rotten use patterns: What entertainment theories can do for the study of boys' love. In: Transformative Works and Cultures. Band12, 15. März 2013, ISSN1941-2258, doi:10.3983/twc.2013.0427 (transformativeworks.org [abgerufen am 18. August 2022]).
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Anna Madill, Yao Zhao: Female-Oriented Male-Male Erotica: Comparison of the Engaged Anglophone Demographic and That of the Greater China Area. In: Sexuality & Culture. Band25, Nr.2, 1. April 2021, ISSN1936-4822, S.562–583, doi:10.1007/s12119-020-09783-9.
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Björn-Ole Kamm: Rotten use patterns: What entertainment theories can do for the study of boys' love. In: Transformative Works and Cultures. Band12, 15. März 2013, ISSN1941-2258, doi:10.3983/twc.2013.0427 (transformativeworks.org [abgerufen am 18. August 2022]).
Patrick W. Galbraith: Fujoshi: Fantasy Play and Transgressive Intimacy among “Rotten Girls” in Contemporary Japan. In: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Band37, Nr.1, 1. September 2011, ISSN0097-9740, S.218–220, doi:10.1086/660182.