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George Levitine: Addenda to Robert Rosenblum's "The Origin of Painting: A Problem in the Iconography of Romantic Classicism". In: The Art Bulletin. Band40, Nr.4, 1958, ISSN0004-3079, S.329–331, doi:10.2307/3047796, JSTOR:3047796.
Monika Wagner: Ein materialistischer Butades. Berliner Plädoyer für Kunst und Gewerbe. In: Kritische Berichte. Band39, Nr.3, 2011, S.29–39, doi:10.11588/kb.2011.3.33161.
Patricia Simons: Disegno and desire in Pontormo's Alessandro de' Medici. In: Renaissance Studies. Band22, Nr.5, 2008, ISSN0269-1213, S.650–668, JSTOR:24417323.
Frances Muecke: „Taught by Love“. The Origin of Painting Again. In: The Art Bulletin. Band81, Nr.2, Juni 1999, S.297–302, JSTOR:3050693.
George Levitine: Addenda to Robert Rosenblum's "The Origin of Painting: A Problem in the Iconography of Romantic Classicism". In: The Art Bulletin. Band40, Nr.4, 1958, ISSN0004-3079, S.329–331, doi:10.2307/3047796, JSTOR:3047796.
Robert Rosenblum: The Origin of Painting: A Problem in the Iconography of Romantic Classicism. In: The Art Bulletin. Band39, Nr.4, Dezember 1957, S.279–290, JSTOR:3047729.
Shelley King: Amelia Opie's "Maid of Corinth" and the Origins of Art. In: Eighteenth-Century Studies. Band37, Nr.4, 2004, ISSN0013-2586, S.629–651, JSTOR:25098092.
Gerhard Wolf: The Origins of Painting. In: RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics. Nr.36, 1999, ISSN0277-1322, S.60–78, JSTOR:20167476.
Patricia Simons: Disegno and desire in Pontormo's Alessandro de' Medici. In: Renaissance Studies. Band22, Nr.5, 2008, ISSN0269-1213, S.650–668, JSTOR:24417323.
George Levitine: Addenda to Robert Rosenblum's "The Origin of Painting: A Problem in the Iconography of Romantic Classicism". In: The Art Bulletin. Band40, Nr.4, 1958, ISSN0004-3079, S.329–331, doi:10.2307/3047796, JSTOR:3047796.
Shelley King: Amelia Opie's "Maid of Corinth" and the Origins of Art. In: Eighteenth-Century Studies. Band37, Nr.4, 2004, ISSN0013-2586, S.629–651, JSTOR:25098092.
Gerhard Wolf: The Origins of Painting. In: RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics. Nr.36, 1999, ISSN0277-1322, S.60–78, JSTOR:20167476.