Phoxinus (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Phoxinus" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
low place
low place
708th place
822nd place

  • Harumi Sakai, Yukimasa Ito, Sergei V. Shedko, Sergei N. Safronov, Sergei V. Frolov, Igor A. Chereshnev, Sang-Rin Jeon, Akira Goto: Phylogenetic and Taxonomic Relationships of Northern Far Eastern Phoxinin Minnows, Phoxinus and Rhynchocypris (Pisces, Cyprinidae), as Inferred from Allozyme and Mitochondrial 16S rRNA Sequence Analyses. In: Zoological Science. Band 23, Nr. 4, 2006, S. 323–331 (englisch, [PDF]).