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I. A. Eijck, F. H. Borgsteede: A survey of gastrointestinal pig parasites on free-range, organic and conventional pig farms in The Netherlands. In: Veterinary research communications Band 29, Nummer 5, Juli 2005, S. 407–414, ISSN1573-7446. doi:10.1007/s11259-005-1201-z. PMID 16195935.
Robert W. Summers et al.: Trichuris suis therapy for active ulcerative colitis: a randomized controlled trial. In: Gastroenterology. Band128, Nr.4, April 2005, S.825–832, doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2005.01.005, PMID 15825065 (englisch).
D. Barutzki, R. Schoierer, R. Gothe: [Helminth infections in wild boars in enclosures in southern Germany: species spectrum and infection frequency]. In: Tierärztliche Praxis Band 18, Nummer 5, Oktober 1990, S. 529–534, ISSN0303-6286. PMID 2264058.
I. A. Eijck, F. H. Borgsteede: A survey of gastrointestinal pig parasites on free-range, organic and conventional pig farms in The Netherlands. In: Veterinary research communications Band 29, Nummer 5, Juli 2005, S. 407–414, ISSN1573-7446. doi:10.1007/s11259-005-1201-z. PMID 16195935.