Kondo, A; Kamihira, O; Ozawa, H (January 2009). «Neural tube defects: prevalence, etiology and prevention.». International Journal of Urology16 (1): 49–57. doi:10.1111/j.1442-2042.2008.02163.x. PMID19120526.
Castillo-Lancellotti, C; Tur, JA; Uauy, R (May 2013). «Impact of folic acid fortification of flour on neural tube defects: a systematic review.». Public Health Nutrition16 (5): 901–11. doi:10.1017/s1368980012003576. PMID22850218.
Canfield, MA; Honein, MA; Yuskiv, N; Xing, J; Mai, CT; Collins, JS; Devine, O; Petrini, J και άλλοι. (November 2006). «National estimates and race/ethnic-specific variation of selected birth defects in the United States, 1999–2001.». Birth Defects Research. Part A, Clinical and Molecular Teratology76 (11): 747–56. doi:10.1002/bdra.20294. PMID17051527.
Bhide, P; Sagoo, GS; Moorthie, S; Burton, H; Kar, A (July 2013). «Systematic review of birth prevalence of neural tube defects in India.». Birth Defects Research. Part A, Clinical and Molecular Teratology97 (7): 437–43. doi:10.1002/bdra.23153. PMID23873811.
«Relationship between radiographic abnormalities of lumbar spine and incidence of low back pain in high school rugby players: a prospective study». Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports15 (3): 163–68. 2005. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2004.00414.x. PMID15885037.
«Relationship between radiographic abnormalities of lumbar spine and incidence of low back pain in high school and college football players: a prospective study». American Journal of Sports Medicine32 (3): 781–86. 2004. doi:10.1177/0363546503261721. PMID15090397.
«Clinical significance of congenital lumbosacral malformations in young male population with prolonged low back pain». Spine30 (8): E210–13. 2005. doi:10.1097/01.brs.0000158950.84470.2a. PMID15834319.
Mitchell, L. E.; Adzick, N. S.; Melchionne, J.; Pasquariello, P. S.; Sutton, L. N.; Whitehead, A. S. (2004). «Spina bifida». Lancet364 (9448): 1885–95. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(04)17445-X. PMID15555669.
Wills, KE (1993). «Neuropsychological functioning in children with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus». Journal of Clinical Child Psychology22 (2): 247–65. doi:10.1207/s15374424jccp2202_11.
Burmeister, R; Hannay HJ; Copeland K; Fletcher JM; Boudousquie A; Dennis M (2005). «Attention problems and executive functions in children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus». Child Neuropsychology11 (3): 265–83. doi:10.1080/092970490911324. PMID16036451.
Mayes, SD; Calhoun, SL (2006). «Frequency of reading, math, and writing disabilities in children with clinical disorders». Learning and Individual Differences16 (2): 145–57. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2005.07.004.
Hetherington, R; Dennis M; Barnes M; Drake J; Gentili J (2006). «Functional outcome in young adults with spina bifida and hydrocephalus». Child's Nervous System22 (2): 117–24. doi:10.1007/s00381-005-1231-4. PMID16170574.
Barnes, M; Dennis M; Hetherington R (2004). «Reading and writing skills in young adults with spina bifida and hydrocephalus». Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society10 (5): 655–63. doi:10.1017/S1355617704105055. PMID15327713.
Holmes LB (1988). «Does taking vitamins at the time of conception prevent neural tube defects?». JAMA260 (21): 3181. doi:10.1001/jama.260.21.3181. PMID3184398.
Milunsky A; Jick H; Jick SS και άλλοι. (1989). «Multivitamin/folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy reduces the prevalence of neural tube defects». JAMA262 (20): 2847–52. doi:10.1001/jama.262.20.2847. PMID2478730.
Tinker, Sarah C; Hamner, Heather C.; Cogswell, Mary E.; Berry, Robert J. (2012). «Usual folic acid intakes: a modelling exercise assessing changes in the amount of folic acid in foods and supplements, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003–2008» (στα αγγλικά). Public Health Nutrition15 (7): 1216–1227. doi:10.1017/S1368980012000638. ISSN1475-2727. PMID22455758.
Kancherla, Vijaya; Wagh, Kaustubh; Johnson, Quentin; Oakley, Godfrey P. (15 August 2018). «A 2017 global update on folic acid-preventable spina bifida and anencephaly». Birth Defects Research110 (14): 1139–1147. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1366. ISSN2472-1727. PMID30070772.
Joyeux, L; Chalouhi, GE; Ville, Y; Sapin, E (June 2014). «[Maternal-fetal surgery for spina bifida: future perspectives].». Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction43 (6): 443–54. doi:10.1016/j.jgyn.2014.01.014. PMID24582882.
Cotton P (1993). «Finding neural tube 'zippers' may let geneticists tailor prevention of defects». JAMA270 (14): 1663–4. doi:10.1001/jama.270.14.1663. PMID8411482.
Kondo, A; Kamihira, O; Ozawa, H (January 2009). «Neural tube defects: prevalence, etiology and prevention.». International Journal of Urology16 (1): 49–57. doi:10.1111/j.1442-2042.2008.02163.x. PMID19120526.
Castillo-Lancellotti, C; Tur, JA; Uauy, R (May 2013). «Impact of folic acid fortification of flour on neural tube defects: a systematic review.». Public Health Nutrition16 (5): 901–11. doi:10.1017/s1368980012003576. PMID22850218.
Canfield, MA; Honein, MA; Yuskiv, N; Xing, J; Mai, CT; Collins, JS; Devine, O; Petrini, J και άλλοι. (November 2006). «National estimates and race/ethnic-specific variation of selected birth defects in the United States, 1999–2001.». Birth Defects Research. Part A, Clinical and Molecular Teratology76 (11): 747–56. doi:10.1002/bdra.20294. PMID17051527.
Bhide, P; Sagoo, GS; Moorthie, S; Burton, H; Kar, A (July 2013). «Systematic review of birth prevalence of neural tube defects in India.». Birth Defects Research. Part A, Clinical and Molecular Teratology97 (7): 437–43. doi:10.1002/bdra.23153. PMID23873811.
«Relationship between radiographic abnormalities of lumbar spine and incidence of low back pain in high school rugby players: a prospective study». Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports15 (3): 163–68. 2005. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2004.00414.x. PMID15885037.
«Relationship between radiographic abnormalities of lumbar spine and incidence of low back pain in high school and college football players: a prospective study». American Journal of Sports Medicine32 (3): 781–86. 2004. doi:10.1177/0363546503261721. PMID15090397.
«Clinical significance of congenital lumbosacral malformations in young male population with prolonged low back pain». Spine30 (8): E210–13. 2005. doi:10.1097/01.brs.0000158950.84470.2a. PMID15834319.
Mitchell, L. E.; Adzick, N. S.; Melchionne, J.; Pasquariello, P. S.; Sutton, L. N.; Whitehead, A. S. (2004). «Spina bifida». Lancet364 (9448): 1885–95. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(04)17445-X. PMID15555669.
Burmeister, R; Hannay HJ; Copeland K; Fletcher JM; Boudousquie A; Dennis M (2005). «Attention problems and executive functions in children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus». Child Neuropsychology11 (3): 265–83. doi:10.1080/092970490911324. PMID16036451.
Hetherington, R; Dennis M; Barnes M; Drake J; Gentili J (2006). «Functional outcome in young adults with spina bifida and hydrocephalus». Child's Nervous System22 (2): 117–24. doi:10.1007/s00381-005-1231-4. PMID16170574.
Barnes, M; Dennis M; Hetherington R (2004). «Reading and writing skills in young adults with spina bifida and hydrocephalus». Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society10 (5): 655–63. doi:10.1017/S1355617704105055. PMID15327713.
Holmes LB (1988). «Does taking vitamins at the time of conception prevent neural tube defects?». JAMA260 (21): 3181. doi:10.1001/jama.260.21.3181. PMID3184398.
Milunsky A; Jick H; Jick SS και άλλοι. (1989). «Multivitamin/folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy reduces the prevalence of neural tube defects». JAMA262 (20): 2847–52. doi:10.1001/jama.262.20.2847. PMID2478730.
Tinker, Sarah C; Hamner, Heather C.; Cogswell, Mary E.; Berry, Robert J. (2012). «Usual folic acid intakes: a modelling exercise assessing changes in the amount of folic acid in foods and supplements, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003–2008» (στα αγγλικά). Public Health Nutrition15 (7): 1216–1227. doi:10.1017/S1368980012000638. ISSN1475-2727. PMID22455758.
Kancherla, Vijaya; Wagh, Kaustubh; Johnson, Quentin; Oakley, Godfrey P. (15 August 2018). «A 2017 global update on folic acid-preventable spina bifida and anencephaly». Birth Defects Research110 (14): 1139–1147. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1366. ISSN2472-1727. PMID30070772.
Joyeux, L; Chalouhi, GE; Ville, Y; Sapin, E (June 2014). «[Maternal-fetal surgery for spina bifida: future perspectives].». Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction43 (6): 443–54. doi:10.1016/j.jgyn.2014.01.014. PMID24582882.
Cotton P (1993). «Finding neural tube 'zippers' may let geneticists tailor prevention of defects». JAMA270 (14): 1663–4. doi:10.1001/jama.270.14.1663. PMID8411482.
Tinker, Sarah C; Hamner, Heather C.; Cogswell, Mary E.; Berry, Robert J. (2012). «Usual folic acid intakes: a modelling exercise assessing changes in the amount of folic acid in foods and supplements, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003–2008» (στα αγγλικά). Public Health Nutrition15 (7): 1216–1227. doi:10.1017/S1368980012000638. ISSN1475-2727. PMID22455758.
Kancherla, Vijaya; Wagh, Kaustubh; Johnson, Quentin; Oakley, Godfrey P. (15 August 2018). «A 2017 global update on folic acid-preventable spina bifida and anencephaly». Birth Defects Research110 (14): 1139–1147. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1366. ISSN2472-1727. PMID30070772.