"An attack is resolv'd on" An Accurate and Authentic Journal of the Siege of Quebec (1759), pgs. 35-6. (See also two more detailed accounts of battle here (Note: "savages" used) and here, and accounts of generals and admiral commanding, and also detailed narratives from French side here and here) Accessed 16 February 2022
(Benjamin Franklin), "Humourous [sic] Reasons for Restoring Canada" The London Chronicle: or, Universal Evening Post (December 25-27, 1759), U.S. National Archives. Accessed 3 March 2022
Letter of James Wolfe (Spring 1759), General Wolfe's Letters to His Parents. Accessed 3 March 2022 https://collections.library.utoronto.ca/view/wolfe:F7025 (swipe to F7025_0947_B137_01; see also following letter, where he mentions plan to quit military service; and Wolfe's 1759 journal which occasionally displays his criticism of army and navy colleagues)
"By his Excellency James Wolfe" (June 28, 1759), The Life of Major-General James Wolfe (1864), pgs. 517-18. (See July order to out-parties to burn all but churches, and entry for "15th (August)" when capture of British marines is avenged by destruction of buildings and grain, and execution and scalping of captured priest and others; see also murder of two children for being too noisy) Accessed 16 February 2022
"By his Excellency James Wolfe" (June 28, 1759), The Life of Major-General James Wolfe (1864), pgs. 517-18. (See July order to out-parties to burn all but churches, and entry for "15th (August)" when capture of British marines is avenged by destruction of buildings and grain, and execution and scalping of captured priest and others; see also murder of two children for being too noisy) Accessed 16 February 2022
"12th (September 1759)" An Accurate and Authentic Journal of the Siege of Quebec (1759), pgs. 32-4. Accessed 16 February 2022 (See report of disunity on French side as early as July, and evidence of despair, and word that Canadians want to rebel and give up Quebec to stop war; see also footnote with praise for Canadian troops' steadiness under fire)
"An attack is resolv'd on" An Accurate and Authentic Journal of the Siege of Quebec (1759), pgs. 35-6. (See also two more detailed accounts of battle here (Note: "savages" used) and here, and accounts of generals and admiral commanding, and also detailed narratives from French side here and here) Accessed 16 February 2022
John Knox, "This grand enterprise" (September 13, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. II, pgs. 68-71. (See also more details of battle (some gruesome)) Accessed 24 February 2022
Amos Adams, "In the whole Conduct of that Enterprize" "[...]A Sermon Delivered at Roxbury, October 25, 1759, on the general Thanksgiving [for] the Reduction of Quebec[....]" (Boston, 1759), pg. 25. (See also commentary on all that went well) 16 February 2022
"By his Excellency James Wolfe" (June 28, 1759), The Life of Major-General James Wolfe (1864), pgs. 517-18. (See July order to out-parties to burn all but churches, and entry for "15th (August)" when capture of British marines is avenged by destruction of buildings and grain, and execution and scalping of captured priest and others; see also murder of two children for being too noisy) Accessed 16 February 2022
John Knox, Note from curate (June 27, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. I, pgs. 294(bottom)-295. (See also that "A gentleman at Quebec" known for his politeness to British prisoners is granted request that his country seat be spared) Accessed 21 February 2022
John Knox, "Orders; 24th (July 1759)", An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. I, pg. 345. Accessed 22 February 2022
John Knox, "General Wolfe is endeavouring" (September 2, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. II, pg. 40. (See also comparison of "absurd" French style of noisy infantry attack vs. British waiting "in perfect silence" to fire at close range) Accessed 23 February 2022
"12th (September 1759)" An Accurate and Authentic Journal of the Siege of Quebec (1759), pgs. 32-4. Accessed 16 February 2022 (See report of disunity on French side as early as July, and evidence of despair, and word that Canadians want to rebel and give up Quebec to stop war; see also footnote with praise for Canadian troops' steadiness under fire)
"An attack is resolv'd on" An Accurate and Authentic Journal of the Siege of Quebec (1759), pgs. 35-6. (See also two more detailed accounts of battle here (Note: "savages" used) and here, and accounts of generals and admiral commanding, and also detailed narratives from French side here and here) Accessed 16 February 2022
John Knox, "This grand enterprise" (September 13, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. II, pgs. 68-71. (See also more details of battle (some gruesome)) Accessed 24 February 2022
John Knox, "18th (September 1759)"An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. II, pgs. 84-91. Accessed 25 February 2022
John Knox, "The detachments of regulars and rangers" (September 20, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. II, pgs. 94-5. (See also on subsequent pages mention both of marauding and generous British soldiers) Accessed 1 March 2022
John Knox, "The general hospital" (October 1, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. II, pgs. 153-5. (See also author dining with local gentry at hospital) Accessed 2 March 2022
John Knox, "The following spirited manifesto" (in French and English; November 2, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. II, pgs. 183-6. (See also rage of locals, "particularly the females," toward former governor general) Accessed 2 March 2022
John Knox, "Our guards, on the grand parade" (December 16, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. II, pgs. 231-2. (See also praise for locally manufactured cast iron stoves) Accessed 2 March 2022
John Knox, "a curious Indian manuscript grammar" (October 8, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. II, pgs. 169-71. Accessed 2 March 2022
John Knox, "The rolls of the companies" (January 20, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. I, pgs. 223-4 (see also pg. 230). Accessed 21 February 2022
John Knox, Description of muskrat (May 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. I, pg. 244. (See Knox' extensive description of Nova Scotia's trees, mammals, birds, insects, fish and fogs (yes, fogs) on pgs. 241-9) Accessed 21 February 2022
John Knox, "A parcel of small birds" (June 19, 1759), An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; Vol. I, pgs. 283-5. Accessed 21 February 2022
Etienne de Silhouette, "Memoir of Silhouette on Inexpediency of Abandoning Canada" (translation; February 1759), in Anglo-French Boundary Disputes in the West, 1749-1763, French Series, Volume II, Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, Volume XXVII (1936), pgs. 252-3. Accessed 16 February 2022
Letter of James Wolfe (Spring 1759), General Wolfe's Letters to His Parents. Accessed 3 March 2022 https://collections.library.utoronto.ca/view/wolfe:F7025 (swipe to F7025_0947_B137_01; see also following letter, where he mentions plan to quit military service; and Wolfe's 1759 journal which occasionally displays his criticism of army and navy colleagues)