Jones, Franklin "The Knee Of Listening: The Life and Understanding of Franklin Jones" (1972), chapter 4 "He had some raw peyote, and we decided to take the drug, although neither of us had any idea what its effects would be. In the past months I had used marijuana a few times and found it very enjoyable and relaxing. And so I willingly accepted a chance for some kind of very powerful "high".
Jones, Franklin, The Knee Of Listening (1972), chapter 8 "By the spring of 1965 I had begun to use marijuana frequently. I found it relaxing and particularly necessary under the pressure of work and effort that Rudi required. But the drug began to have a peculiarly negative effect… I would realize a profound anxiety and fear… I took other drugs with my old friends. We took Romilar [cough syrup] again, but now its effects seemed minor… I took a drug called DMT which had a remarkable and miraculous effect… Such remarkable states of awareness combined with my rising sense of anxiety, fear and reluctance in relation to drugs, so that finally, in the early summer of 1965, I determined somehow to stop their use".
, Franklin, The Knee Of Listening (1972), chapter 9.
Feuerstein, Georg (1996). "Holy Madness: The Dangerous and Disillusioning Example of Da Free John". What is Enlightenment?. Spring/Summer 1996 (9). ISSN1080-3432.