"B'zがAdoに楽曲提供、コラボ曲「DIGNITY」が「沈黙の艦隊」主題歌に" [B'z provides music to Ado, collaboration song "DIGNITY" becomes theme song for "Chinmoku no Kantai"]. Barks (in Japanese). July 20, 2023. Retrieved September 10, 2023.
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"Ado、広瀬すず主演ドラマ『クジャクのダンス、誰が見た?』主題歌「エルフ」1月24日23時に配信決定" [Ado's new song "Elf" for the drama Who Saw the Peacock Dance in the Jungle? starring Suzu Hirose will be released on January 24th at 11pm]. Billboard Japan (in Japanese). January 17, 2025. Retrieved January 18, 2025.
"Ado「うっせぇわ」すっげえわ!サブスク再生1億回突破 世代超えた社会現象に" [Ado "Usseewa"! exceeded 100 million plays and becomes social phenomena beyond generations]. The Microsoft Network. Retrieved April 2, 2021.
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"Adoの歌ってみた「unravel」が今夜ついに、「オールナイトニッポン」でフル尺オンエア" [Ado's Utattemita cover of "Unravel" will finally be aired in full length tonight on "All Night Nippon"]. Music Natalie (in Japanese). November 13, 2023. Retrieved November 15, 2023.
"Ado"歌ってみた"アルバムより日向電工「ブリキノダンス」先行配信決定、MV公開も" [Hyuga Denko's "Buriki no Dance" from Ado's "Utattemita" album will be distributed in advance, and the MV will also be released]. Natalie Music (in Japanese). November 27, 2023. Retrieved November 29, 2023.
"「レコード大賞」各賞発表!リーダーズ、ミセス、Ado、NewJeans、JO1、ビーファら大賞候補に" [Japan Record Awards awards announced! Leaders, Mrs. Green Apple, Ado, NewJeans, JO1, Beefa and others are nominated for the grand prize.]. Natalie Music (in Japanese). November 22, 2023. Retrieved December 13, 2023.
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編集部. "18歳シンガーAdo、デビュー曲「うっせぇわ」500万再生突破" [17-year-old singer ado, debut song "Usseewa" exceeds 5 million views]. MusicVoice (in Japanese). Archived from the original on December 17, 2020. Retrieved April 2, 2021.
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"Ado、「うっせぇわ」MV&ストリーミング再生回数W1億回を5ヵ月で突破 LINEスタンプも配信(CDジャーナル)" [Ado breaks through with "Usseewa" music video & streaming plays exceed 100 million in 5 months LINE stamps are also distributed (CD journal)]. Yahoo! News (in Japanese). Archived from the original on November 30, 2021. Retrieved April 2, 2021.