The Finnish legislation concerning conscription has been completely overhauled in 2007. The new legislation came into force 1-1-2008. No changes were made to the service periods, which are given in Conscription Act (452/1950), 5§ and in the new Conscription Act (1438/2007), 37§. (Both laws in Finnish)
The reserve obligation is listed in the §§6–7 of the Conscription Act (452/1950) ((in Finnish)) and in §§49–50 of the new Conscription Act (1438/2007)(in Finnish). The old Conscription Act mandates the activation of the reserve only in case of full or partial mobilization (§10). The new Conscription Act allows for selective activation of reservists even in situations which do not require even partial mobilization (§§78–89).
Pelastuslaki (468/2003). § 46. Exact quote: Jos ihmisen pelastamiseksi tai onnettomuuden torjumiseksi on välttämätöntä, on pelastustoiminnan johtajalla oikeus määrätä palo- ja onnettomuuspaikalla tai sen läheisyydessä oleva työkykyinen henkilö, jolla ei ole pätevää syytä esteenä, avustamaan pelastustoiminnassa. Pelastusviranomaisella on vastaavassa tilanteessa oikeus, jos tilanteen hallitseminen ei muuten ole mahdollista, määrätä onnettomuuskunnassa oleskelevia työkykyisiä henkilöitä viipymättä saapumaan palo- tai onnettomuuspaikalle ja avustamaan pelastustoiminnassa. Translation: "If it is indispensable for the saving of human life or for the prevention of an accident, the chief of rescue operation is entitled to order any person capable of work, without a pertinent preventing reason and present or close to the place of accident or fire to assist in rescue operation. In similar situation, the a career rescue authority official is entitled, unless the emergency cannot be otherwise controlled, to order persons present in the municipality of the accident and capable of work to arrive at the place of accident or fire without delay and to assist in rescue operation." Retrieved 29 February 2008. (in Finnish)
Emergency Powers Act (1080/1991). §§ 22, 22a, 23 §. The quote is from § 1, giving the purpose of the act mentioned in § 23. Retrieved 29 February 2008.
Asevelvollisen pitkä marssiArchived 6 May 2008 at the Wayback Machine Ruotuväki 9/2004. Retrieved 11-19-2007. (in Finnish)The cited source includes a very good overview of the system, paraphrased here.
[2]Archived 24 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine Varusmiesten päiväraha nousi vuodenvaihteessa. Ruotuväki/Finnish Defence Forces. 2015-01-05. Retrieved on 2015-08-10. (in Finnish)
[2]Archived 24 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine Varusmiesten päiväraha nousi vuodenvaihteessa. Ruotuväki/Finnish Defence Forces. 2015-01-05. Retrieved on 2015-08-10. (in Finnish)
Asevelvollisen pitkä marssiArchived 6 May 2008 at the Wayback Machine Ruotuväki 9/2004. Retrieved 11-19-2007. (in Finnish)The cited source includes a very good overview of the system, paraphrased here.