Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Descent II" in English language version.
Omega Cannon — powoduje wyładowanie elektryczne na celu, dzięki czemu nie potrzeba dokładnie namierzać. Jest bardzo silne, ale szybko się nagrzewa i po każdym strzale potrzebuje kilku sekund na ochłodzenie się.[The Omega Cannon causes an electric discharge on the target, so you do not need to aim precisely. It is very strong, but heats up quickly and takes a few seconds to cool down after each shot.]
Parallax Software, the software developer that created the popular three-dimensional action games Descent and Descent II, has released Descent's source code (version 1.5) to the public domain for non-commercial purposes.
The unsurprisingly titled Descent 2 will feature over 30 new levels...Out at the end of the month.
Descent II // CD-ROM. New // Or half price when purchased with any PC, Printer, Modem or CD-ROM drive."