Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Hachikō Line" in English language version.
この鉄橋上で悲劇が起きたのは、太平洋戦争終結からわずか9日目の昭和20年(1945)8月24日早朝です。数日来の大雨の中で人為ミスも重なり、単線の八高線でありながら上り下りの列車が鉄橋上(橋脚No.7と8の間)で正面衝突し、少なくとも105人が死亡するという、特異な大惨事となりました。[Tragedy occurred on the bridge in the early morning of August 24, 1945, only nine days after the end of the Pacific War. Due to a combination of human error and several days of heavy rain, trains on the single-track Hachiko Line collided head-on on the bridge (between piers 7 and 8), resulting in a remarkable catastrophe that killed at least 105 people.]