Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Independent Albania" in English language version.
from all parts of the country to Valona, where a national congress was to be held
...November 15th-28th, 1912...
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07..Ismail Kemal bey... took the floor and explained... that they all must strive to do what is necessary to save Albania from the great perils it is now facing.... they began by checking the documents...
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07...Albanians had ... uprisings that had taken ... in particular over the last four years, to preserve their rights and customs ... all the steps needed to appease and satisfy the Albanians
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07.. The issue of voting was then brought to the fore and, after much discussion, it was decided that each region (kaza) should have only one vote, irrespective of the number of delegates it had.....
In March 1913, Boletini accompanied Ismail Qemal bey Vlora to London to seek British support for the new country.
On 16 October 1913, ... Toptani set up a rival government based in Durrës, called the Republic of Central Albania.
governments ... in Vlora under the presidency of Ismail Kemal Bey ... was the personal creation of a number of men
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07.. four countries in the Balkans ...agreed to divide the Empire up among themselves, including Albania...only road to salvation was to separate Albania from Turkey...According to Ismail Kemal Bey, the most urgent measures that the Albanian nation must take today are these: that Albania be independent...
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07TEXT:in Vlora, on the 15th/28th of November 1328/1912. Following the speech made by the President, Ismail Kemal Bey, in which he spoke of the great perils facing Albania today, the delegates have all decided unanimously that Albania, as of today, should be on her own, free and independent.
This decision, reached at the fifty-fourth meeting of the conference on 29 July 1913,..1. Albania is constituted as an autonomous, sovereign and hereditary principality by right of primogeniture, guaranteed by the six Powers. The sovereign will be designated by the six Powers.
The Great Powers... established "International Commission of Control as an interim administration until the new monarch arrived.
Congress of Trieste which was organized by his friend and rival Faik bey Konitza
Shteti i projektuar nga Konferenca e Ambasadorëve në Londër, më 1913, si: "Principata e Shqipërisë" me shtrirjen vetëm në një pjesë të Bregdetit shqiptar, ... të më pak se një e treta e tokave të shtetit "Shqipëria e Mosvarme" e shpallur në Vlorë, më 28 nëntor 1912 (State designed by the Conference of Ambassadors in London in 1913, as: "The Principality of Albania" ... is less than a third of the territory of "Independent Albania" declared in Vlora, on November 28, 1912)
Therefore, with only final point being ignored, on September 4, 1912 the government accepted proposals and the Albanian revolt was over
At the same time the rebellion sent strong signal to Kosovo neighbors that the Ottoman Empire was weak.
The Servians hastened to oppose the plan of a "Greater Albania" by their plan for partition of Turkey in Europe among the Balkan States into four spheres of influence.
In a few weeks the territories of Turkey in Europe .. by the Balkan their hands as condominium
Proclamation of Albanian independence by an assembly at Valona which rejected the grant of autonomy made by Turkish government
Pak javë pasi ishte shpallur shteti shqiptar nga Kuvendi i Vlorës, më 13 janar 1913, qeveria e Ismail Qemalit vendosi krijimin e forcave të rendit. Qeveria ngarkoi për të kryer detyrat e një xhandarmërie ... Funksione administrative i kryente policia...
Xhandarmëria caktoi edhe uniformën e rregullt të saj gri-jeshil, jakën kuq e zi, kësulën pa strehë dhe gradat në pjesën e përparshme të jakës...
Propozimet e kryetarit u aprovuan njëzëri e me entusiazëm nga delegatët, te cilët nënshkruan dokumentin historik ku thuhej: „ . . . Shqipëria me sot te bahet ne vehte, e lire ee mosvarme."
In November 1912 the independent state of Albania was proclaimed at Vlore
The first Albanian state in modern history emerged in 1912.
... the first independent Albanian state was conceived as a parliamentary state.... the High Council ... was elected by the Assembly...Thus, the first Albanian state can be seen as a parliamentary state and not as a monarchy.
the declaration of Republic of Albania in 1912
... policy of seeking autonomy within it was no longer practical. The Albanian leaders therefore turned to one off seeking complete independence and in November 1912 proclaimed the Republic of Albania
... the Albanian Republic was proclaimed in 1912)...
Albanian state started its independent life through four important constitutional decisions that we already know: 1. Albania must become independent and free 2. ... under a temporary government 3. A group of Wise Men have to be elected for supporting and controlling the government 4. A Commission has to be sent to Europe in order to represent the Albanian issue in front of the great Kingdoms
The contested authority of Qemal's government was limited to a triangle of territory between Vlore, Berat and Lushnje
The Albanian state at this time was larger than its counterpart today and comprised territories belonging to the former Turkish provinces (vilayets) of Shkoder,... Skopje,...Bitola,... and Janina...
Vickers, Miranda (1999), The Albanians: a modern history, I.B.Tauris, ISBN 978-1-86064-541-9... the Conference nevertheless awarded the Balkan allies large areas of Albanian-claimed territory... A major part of northern and western Albania went to Serbia and Montenegro, while Greece received the large southern region of Chameria, leaving the Albanian state reduced to the central regions ...
Kosovo was included in the independent Albania in 1912, but was given to the Serbs under the 1913 Treaty of London at Russia's insistence.
The provisional government of Ismail Kemal held power only in Vlore Berat, Fier and Lushnje
Ottoman government, although purposely keeping Albanians administratively divided into separate, ethnically non-homogeneous vilayets, in order to prevent any unification and national development...
Therefore, with only final point being ignored, on September 4, 1912 the government accepted proposals and the Albanian revolt was over
Jelavich, Barbara (1999) [1983], History of the Balkans: Twentieth century, vol. 2, Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge, ISBN 978-0-521-27459-3...Balkan armies occupied Albanian territory...
appealed to the austrian emperor ... difficult situation of their country as parts of the four vilayets were under the occupation of Balkan allies
The arrival of Serbian army on the Adriatic aroused strong diplomatic opposition from Austria-Hungary and Italy. They perceived the Serbs as a threat to their domination of the Adriatic Sea. In addition they feared that a Serbian Adriatic port could become a Russian base.
Jelavich, Barbara (1999) [1983], History of the Balkans: Twentieth century, vol. 2, Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge, ISBN 978-0-521-27459-3Kemal.. spoke with Habsburg foreign minister, Leopold von Berchtold, ... secured Habsburg support, but for Albanian autonomy rather than independence...
Ismail Kemal Bey convened the Albanian Independence Congress
На освојеном подручју су одмах успостављене грађанске власти и албанска територија је Де Факто анектирана Србији : 29. новембра је основан драчки округ са четири среза (Драч, Љеш, Елбасан, Тирана)....On conquered territory of Albania was established civil government and territory of Albania was de facto annexed by Serbia: On November 29 was established Durrës County with four srez (Durrës, Lezha, Elbasan, and Tirana)
...the fall of Yanya on March 6...
за освету због репресивних мера српске војске марта 1913 масакрирали су на спавању око 130 (или 200) војника једне чете
By May 1913...The Albanian delegates wished for a British sovereign and Ismail Kemal Vlora took the opportunity to ask Aubrey Herbert how he would respond if offered the throne
The provisional Government applied urgently for international recognition. There was no official response from Great Powers.
Giaro, Tomasz (2007), "The Albanian legal and constitutional system between the World Wars", Modernisierung durch Transfer zwischen den Weltkriegen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Vittorio Klosterman GmbH, ISBN 978-3-465-04017-0The plan for independent Albanian state was rejected by the ambassadors of England, Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Russia and Italy at their conference on 17 December 1912 in London.
Jelavich, Barbara (1999) [1983], History of the Balkans: Twentieth century, vol. 2, Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge, ISBN 978-0-521-27459-3The representatives first decided that an autonomous Albania under continued Ottoman rule would be organized...This decision had to be changed in the spring of 1913, when it became obvious that the Ottoman Empire would lose all of Macedonia and thus its territorial connection with Albania.
Vickers, Miranda (1999), The Albanians: a modern history, I.B.Tauris, ISBN 978-1-86064-541-9... the Conference nevertheless awarded the Balkan allies large areas of Albanian-claimed territory... leaving the Albanian state reduced to the central regions ...
Највећи оружани упад изведен је крајем септембра 1913 у западну Македонију и област око Призрена... Исмаил Кемал је наложио избеглим арбанашким првацима, Бајраму Цуру, Иси Бољетинцу,... да са својим људима нападне српске области
The political leadership of Albania was divided. Ismail Kemal had attempted to appease the ambitious landowner and soldier Essad Pasha Toptani by appointing him Minister of Interior in July 1913, but Essad proved uncooperative...
... Assembly of Vlora...its members were representatives of all regions of Albania
consensus of the congress was for complete independence
The setting up of the government was postponed until the fourth hearing of the Assembly of Vlora, in order to give time to other delegates from all regions of Albania to arrive.
Schmidt-Neke, Michael (1987), Enstehung und Ausbau der Königsdiktatur in Albanien, 1912-1939, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, ISBN 978-3-486-54321-6, retrieved 5 February 2012Erst auf seiner funften sitzung am 4. Dezember 1912 komplettierte der Nationalcongreß die provisorische Regierung, die folgende Zusammensetzung hatte:
Giaro, Tomasz (2007), "The Albanian legal and constitutional system between the World Wars", Modernisierung durch Transfer zwischen den Weltkriegen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Vittorio Klosterman GmbH, ISBN 978-3-465-04017-0... a provisional government, consisting of ten members and led by Vlora, was formed on 4 December.
Giaro, Tomasz (2007), "The Albanian legal and constitutional system between the World Wars", Modernisierung durch Transfer zwischen den Weltkriegen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Vittorio Klosterman GmbH, ISBN 978-3-465-04017-0From its own members congress elected a senate (Pleqësi), composed of 18 members, which assumed advisory role to the government.
posle proglasa nezavisnosti upotrebljavane i starim turskim žigovima poništavane marke i dopisnice... i posle ... poništavane albanskim prstenastim zigovima, koji nose u gornjem delu prstena ime mesta a u donjem ime zemlje — „Shqipenie". Zamena turskih zigova novim albanskim zigovima izvrsena je pri kraju aprila i pocetkom maja 1913.
... Albania...In 1912, having achieved its independence from the Ottoman Empire, it continued for some time under the Turkish Civil Code (Mejelle)...
Until 1926 Albania had no currency of her own. Gold and silver coins of other countries were used as medium of exchange, while the franc of the Latin Monetary Union served as the official unit of account....during turbulent period 1912—1925
After the Proclamation of Independence and the creation of the Government of Vlora in 1912, measures were taken for the closing of foreign schools and opening Albanian ones.
Since World War I broke out shortly after Albania declared her independence in November 1912, there was a little time for progress in national education
A significant fact is that the Kosovar fighters, headed by the legendary hero Isa Boletini, set out on a long voyage to Vlora and created there the first nucleus of the new Albanian army under the command of the Provisional Government.
When Albania became independent in 1912, its chief components were primitive agriculture and livestock raising. There was no significant industry and little inter-regional or foreign trade
During independence (1912—44), Albania began pursuing agrarian reforms. These reforms, which aimed to transfer land ownership to peasants, brought about little change, however, as most land remained with the original landowners
Treaty of London consisted simply of cession by the Sultan to the Great Powers of all Ottoman territory in Europe except... It was the Treaty of Bucharest, 13 August 1913, which provided the definitive settlement after the Second Balkan War
With the Peace of London, the Great European powers, in the redistributing the land taken from Turks among the Balkan states, decided to create a new state, Albania.
In July 1913 the Powers signed a protocol establishing Albania as an 'autonomous, sovereign, hereditary principality' under their guarantee. They set up a commission to establish the frontiers of the new state.
Jelavich, Barbara (1999) [1983], History of the Balkans: Twentieth century, vol. 2, Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge, ISBN 978-0-521-27459-3Despite the fact that a provisional government under Kemal was in existence, the powers refused to recognize it. Instead they established International Control Commission
Jelavich, Barbara (1999) [1983], History of the Balkans: Twentieth century, vol. 2, Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge, ISBN 978-0-521-27459-3The Threaty of Bucharest of August 1913 ... established independent Albania.
... at the time of the creation of Albanian state (1913)
While the creation of Albania was the only political result of the Balkan wars...
Vickers, Miranda (1999), The Albanians: a modern history, I.B.Tauris, ISBN 978-1-86064-541-9The Powers were angered by this display of independence by Kemal's government, ... as a result, the International Commission forced Kemal to step aside. Kemal subsequently left Albania ...
Jelavich, Barbara (1999) [1983], History of the Balkans: Twentieth century, vol. 2, Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge, ISBN 978-0-521-27459-3International Commission prepared a draft constitution. It provided for the establishment of national assembly,...composed of three representatives administrative districts... chosen by direct suffrage,... heads of three churches and ten nominees of the prince. .... a four year... ministers ..appointed by the prince
...The Albanian state later became a monarchy. Until the installation of the monarchy,...
When Albania's state boundaries were delineated... in 1913, many Albanians were left outside of the new state. The largest group of unredeemed could be found in Kosova, which had served as cradle of Albanian nationalism in the nineteenth century...
Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany....exploited Albanian dissatisfaction with the country's ethnically imprecise frontiers
All Albanians, wherever they are located in the world, joyously commemorate November 28 as Albanian Independence Day (Dita e Flamurit), for it was on that day in 1912 in Albanian seacoast town of Vlora, that the venerable Albanian patriot, Ismail Qemali, first raised Albanian red-and-black double headed eagle flag and proclaimed Albanian independence...
Il a présenté une communication sur « L'organisation administrative, judiciaire et militaire de l'Albanie (1912-1914) » au colloque 80 ans d'indépendance albanaise, organisé par l'Académie des Sciences de ce pays en novembre 1992.
: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)The Ottoman administrative organization, with few exceptions, remained basically unchanged.
A Constitution (Statuti Organik) for the new State, consisting of 216 articles, was elaborated in 1914 by the International Commission. Albania was designated as a hereditary constitutional monarchy. The power of legislation was entrusted to a National Assembly, while the executive power was vested in the Council of Ministers, who were to be appointed by the Prince and accountable to him only.
It was provoked by the laws passed by the new regime that claimed to loyally implement the old fiscal policy on the extremely impoverished population, impose new heavy taxes upon people, forcefully recruit Albanians for the Turkish army, continue the process of the entire population disarmament, extend its absolute power all over Albania, even over those regions that had always enjoyed certain privileges.
After the proclamation of independence on 28 November 1912 and the establishment of the national government, the international relations of Albania began to be instrumentalized in a state form. The first diplomatic acts of the government were efforts for its recognition and the recognition of the Albanian state... European diplomacy did not regard the government of Vlora as an important element of the Albanian state... The legitimate requests of the new Albanian state were not taken in consideration.
{{cite book}}
: |journal=
ignored (help)Ermenji, Abas (1968), Vendi që zë Skënderbeu në historinë e Shqiperisë, Paris: Komiteti Kombëtar Demokrat 'Shqipnija ë Lirë', OCLC 504152562"Shoqëria e Zezë për Shpëtim". Faik Konitza, Fan Noli e të tjerë nuk besonin se do të thyhej Turqia prej Ballkanikëvet dhe nuk kishin shpresë për Shqipërinë tek mprojtja e Austrisë. Prandaj në një mbledhje të madhe që mbajti Federata Vatra, në Boston, më 7 të Tetorit, udhëheqësit e kolonisë nuk shihnin tjetër mënyrë shpëtimi veçse duke u pështetur tek Turqia. Të gjithë të pranishmit u habitën kur dëgjuan prej krerëvet të tyre se interesi dhe detyra e Shqiptarëvet ishte që "të bashkohëshin plotësisht me qeverinë otomane kundër armiqve të Perandorisë". Sepse "po të thyhej Turqia, shtetet ballkanikë do t'a coptonin Shqipërinë."
Ermenji, Abas (1968), Vendi që zë Skënderbeu në historinë e Shqiperisë, Paris: Komiteti Kombëtar Demokrat 'Shqipnija ë Lirë', OCLC 504152562..Ky mendim ishte i urtë nga njëra anë, por paraqiste rreziqe nga ana tjetër: sikur të thyhej Turqia, siç u thye, Shqiptarët do të pësonin fatin e saj, ose të paktën do t'iu jepnin shtetevet ballkanikë një arësye më shumë përpara fuqivet të mëdha për t'a copëtuar Shqipërinë si një krahinë turke..
Ermenji, Abas (1968), Vendi që zë Skënderbeu në historinë e Shqiperisë, Paris: Komiteti Kombëtar Demokrat 'Shqipnija ë Lirë', OCLC 504152562...Natyrisht, Turqia i mobilizoi Shqiptarët, por këta luftuan më fort për të mprojtur vendin e tyre kundër fqinjëvet,...
Today, on 23.12.2011, in reliance on the Order of the Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports No 289, dated 22.12.2011 on "Announcement of competition for the accomplishment in sculpture the monumental work dedicated to the "100 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the Albanian State: 28 November 1912 – 28 November 2012".
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)The self-proclaimed provisional government of Ismail Qemal in Vlorë did not receive the general approval of the public and different forces from within the country (e.g. by Esad Pacha Toptani) contested the provisional government's status
Kosovo legislation does not include 28 November on the list of official holidays, however under a special decision of the Government PM Hashim Thaci, has been announced a holiday.
... ustanici su uspeli da ... ovladaju celim kosovskim vilajetom do polovine avgusta 1912, što znači da su tada imali u svojim rukama Prištinu, Novi Pazar, Sjenicu pa čak i Skoplje... U srednjoj i južnoj Albaniji ustanici su držali Permet, Leskoviku, Konicu, Elbasan, a u Makedoniji Debar...
Gjeneral brigade Agim Lala, pasi bëri një retrospektivë të shkurtër përsa i përket Forcave të Armatosura që nga krijimi i tyre në 4 Dhjetor të vitit 1912 (Brigadier General Agim Lala, after making a brief retrospective of the terms of the Armed Forces since their creation on December 4, 1912)
The year 2012, dear Albanians, is the most beautiful historic year. The 100th anniversary of the Independence of Albania
Srpska vlast u Albaniji počela je vremenom da se suočava s velikim teškoćama. Mir stanovništva morao je da bude izdašno plaćan. Delovanje austrougarskih agenata i begova odanih sultanu činilo je ionako loše puteve nesigurnim. Tokom nekoliko dana uništene su usamljene stanice, koje su branili malobrojni srpski vojnici..
At a parliamentary session in January 1912, ... Albanian deputy Hasan Prishtina warned that the reactionary policy of the Young Turks' government was going to lead to a revolution in Albania.
the Ministry of Post Telegraph Telephone, and the minister was the notable intellectual patriot Lef Nosi. The government of that time took in administration all the post offices inherited from the Ottoman Empire and did rapid efforts for the identification of Albanian postal service.
on July 7, 1913, presented the official demand to be recruited in Universal Postal Union and International Union of Telecommunication, entrance which was performed in 1922...
The Proclamation of the Independent State of Albania, 1912[permanent dead link ]
Potom, 29. novembra 1912. formiran je Drački okrug u okviru kojeg su srezovi - Drač, Tirana, Elbasan i Lješ. ... On November 29, 1912 the Durrës County was established and in it there were established the following districts - Durres, Tirana, Elbasan and Lezhe
Albanska delegacija je konferenciji u Londonu u decembru dostavila memorandum u kome se insistira na etničkim pravima. Ta Velika Albanija bi zahvatala Metohiju, Kosovo, zapadnu Makedoniju sa Skopljem i Bitoljem, na jugu čitav Epir do Arte. .... Delegation of Albania submitted to the London conference in December a memo in which they insist on the rights of ethnic Albanians. That Great Albania would encompass Kosovo, western Macedonia with Skopje and Bitola, and on the south the whole Epirus up to Arta.
Na početku Londonske konferencije odlučeno je da je Albanija autonomna sa svojom upravom i priznavanjem sultana Turske kao vrhovnog sizerena.... At the beginning of the conference it was decided that Albania should be autonomous with its own government but under Ottoman suzerainty.
The Albanian Parliament opened with a solemn ceremony the 100th year of Albania's independence. January 17th was chosen as the opening day for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of independence, since it is the day when the Albanian National hero, Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu died, who symbolizes the unification of all Albanians...Representatives from Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Presheva and Bujanovci were present in the Albanian Parliament, without partial distinctions, together, as six centuries ago and as 100 years ago,.
Albania ... Date of entry into the UPU:01-03-1922
Shteti i projektuar nga Konferenca e Ambasadorëve në Londër, më 1913, si: "Principata e Shqipërisë" me shtrirjen vetëm në një pjesë të Bregdetit shqiptar, ... të më pak se një e treta e tokave të shtetit "Shqipëria e Mosvarme" e shpallur në Vlorë, më 28 nëntor 1912 (State designed by the Conference of Ambassadors in London in 1913, as: "The Principality of Albania" ... is less than a third of the territory of "Independent Albania" declared in Vlora, on November 28, 1912)
It was provoked by the laws passed by the new regime that claimed to loyally implement the old fiscal policy on the extremely impoverished population, impose new heavy taxes upon people, forcefully recruit Albanians for the Turkish army, continue the process of the entire population disarmament, extend its absolute power all over Albania, even over those regions that had always enjoyed certain privileges.
At a parliamentary session in January 1912, ... Albanian deputy Hasan Prishtina warned that the reactionary policy of the Young Turks' government was going to lead to a revolution in Albania.
from all parts of the country to Valona, where a national congress was to be held
...November 15th-28th, 1912...
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07..Ismail Kemal bey... took the floor and explained... that they all must strive to do what is necessary to save Albania from the great perils it is now facing.... they began by checking the documents...
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07...Albanians had ... uprisings that had taken ... in particular over the last four years, to preserve their rights and customs ... all the steps needed to appease and satisfy the Albanians
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07.. The issue of voting was then brought to the fore and, after much discussion, it was decided that each region (kaza) should have only one vote, irrespective of the number of delegates it had.....
Congress of Trieste which was organized by his friend and rival Faik bey Konitza
In March 1913, Boletini accompanied Ismail Qemal bey Vlora to London to seek British support for the new country.
On 16 October 1913, ... Toptani set up a rival government based in Durrës, called the Republic of Central Albania.
The self-proclaimed provisional government of Ismail Qemal in Vlorë did not receive the general approval of the public and different forces from within the country (e.g. by Esad Pacha Toptani) contested the provisional government's status
governments ... in Vlora under the presidency of Ismail Kemal Bey ... was the personal creation of a number of men
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07.. four countries in the Balkans ...agreed to divide the Empire up among themselves, including Albania...only road to salvation was to separate Albania from Turkey...According to Ismail Kemal Bey, the most urgent measures that the Albanian nation must take today are these: that Albania be independent...
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07TEXT:in Vlora, on the 15th/28th of November 1328/1912. Following the speech made by the President, Ismail Kemal Bey, in which he spoke of the great perils facing Albania today, the delegates have all decided unanimously that Albania, as of today, should be on her own, free and independent.
the Ministry of Post Telegraph Telephone, and the minister was the notable intellectual patriot Lef Nosi. The government of that time took in administration all the post offices inherited from the Ottoman Empire and did rapid efforts for the identification of Albanian postal service.
on July 7, 1913, presented the official demand to be recruited in Universal Postal Union and International Union of Telecommunication, entrance which was performed in 1922...
Albania ... Date of entry into the UPU:01-03-1922
Pak javë pasi ishte shpallur shteti shqiptar nga Kuvendi i Vlorës, më 13 janar 1913, qeveria e Ismail Qemalit vendosi krijimin e forcave të rendit. Qeveria ngarkoi për të kryer detyrat e një xhandarmërie ... Funksione administrative i kryente policia...
Xhandarmëria caktoi edhe uniformën e rregullt të saj gri-jeshil, jakën kuq e zi, kësulën pa strehë dhe gradat në pjesën e përparshme të jakës...
This decision, reached at the fifty-fourth meeting of the conference on 29 July 1913,..1. Albania is constituted as an autonomous, sovereign and hereditary principality by right of primogeniture, guaranteed by the six Powers. The sovereign will be designated by the six Powers.
The Great Powers... established "International Commission of Control as an interim administration until the new monarch arrived.
The Ottoman administrative organization, with few exceptions, remained basically unchanged.
A Constitution (Statuti Organik) for the new State, consisting of 216 articles, was elaborated in 1914 by the International Commission. Albania was designated as a hereditary constitutional monarchy. The power of legislation was entrusted to a National Assembly, while the executive power was vested in the Council of Ministers, who were to be appointed by the Prince and accountable to him only.
The year 2012, dear Albanians, is the most beautiful historic year. The 100th anniversary of the Independence of Albania
The Albanian Parliament opened with a solemn ceremony the 100th year of Albania's independence. January 17th was chosen as the opening day for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of independence, since it is the day when the Albanian National hero, Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu died, who symbolizes the unification of all Albanians...Representatives from Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Presheva and Bujanovci were present in the Albanian Parliament, without partial distinctions, together, as six centuries ago and as 100 years ago,.
Today, on 23.12.2011, in reliance on the Order of the Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports No 289, dated 22.12.2011 on "Announcement of competition for the accomplishment in sculpture the monumental work dedicated to the "100 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the Albanian State: 28 November 1912 – 28 November 2012".
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: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)Propozimet e kryetarit u aprovuan njëzëri e me entusiazëm nga delegatët, te cilët nënshkruan dokumentin historik ku thuhej: „ . . . Shqipëria me sot te bahet ne vehte, e lire ee mosvarme."
In November 1912 the independent state of Albania was proclaimed at Vlore
Shteti i pavarur shqiptar në vitet 1912-1914 [Independent state of Albania in the years 1912-1914]
... the first independent Albanian state was conceived as a parliamentary state.... the High Council ... was elected by the Assembly...Thus, the first Albanian state can be seen as a parliamentary state and not as a monarchy.
the declaration of Republic of Albania in 1912
... policy of seeking autonomy within it was no longer practical. The Albanian leaders therefore turned to one off seeking complete independence and in November 1912 proclaimed the Republic of Albania
... the Albanian Republic was proclaimed in 1912)...
Albanian state started its independent life through four important constitutional decisions that we already know: 1. Albania must become independent and free 2. ... under a temporary government 3. A group of Wise Men have to be elected for supporting and controlling the government 4. A Commission has to be sent to Europe in order to represent the Albanian issue in front of the great Kingdoms
The Albanian state at this time was larger than its counterpart today and comprised territories belonging to the former Turkish provinces (vilayets) of Shkoder,... Skopje,...Bitola,... and Janina...
Kosovo was included in the independent Albania in 1912, but was given to the Serbs under the 1913 Treaty of London at Russia's insistence.
The provisional government of Ismail Kemal held power only in Vlore Berat, Fier and Lushnje
Ottoman government, although purposely keeping Albanians administratively divided into separate, ethnically non-homogeneous vilayets, in order to prevent any unification and national development...
Ermenji, Abas (1968), Vendi që zë Skënderbeu në historinë e Shqiperisë, Paris: Komiteti Kombëtar Demokrat 'Shqipnija ë Lirë', OCLC 504152562"Shoqëria e Zezë për Shpëtim". Faik Konitza, Fan Noli e të tjerë nuk besonin se do të thyhej Turqia prej Ballkanikëvet dhe nuk kishin shpresë për Shqipërinë tek mprojtja e Austrisë. Prandaj në një mbledhje të madhe që mbajti Federata Vatra, në Boston, më 7 të Tetorit, udhëheqësit e kolonisë nuk shihnin tjetër mënyrë shpëtimi veçse duke u pështetur tek Turqia. Të gjithë të pranishmit u habitën kur dëgjuan prej krerëvet të tyre se interesi dhe detyra e Shqiptarëvet ishte që "të bashkohëshin plotësisht me qeverinë otomane kundër armiqve të Perandorisë". Sepse "po të thyhej Turqia, shtetet ballkanikë do t'a coptonin Shqipërinë."
Ermenji, Abas (1968), Vendi që zë Skënderbeu në historinë e Shqiperisë, Paris: Komiteti Kombëtar Demokrat 'Shqipnija ë Lirë', OCLC 504152562..Ky mendim ishte i urtë nga njëra anë, por paraqiste rreziqe nga ana tjetër: sikur të thyhej Turqia, siç u thye, Shqiptarët do të pësonin fatin e saj, ose të paktën do t'iu jepnin shtetevet ballkanikë një arësye më shumë përpara fuqivet të mëdha për t'a copëtuar Shqipërinë si një krahinë turke..
Ermenji, Abas (1968), Vendi që zë Skënderbeu në historinë e Shqiperisë, Paris: Komiteti Kombëtar Demokrat 'Shqipnija ë Lirë', OCLC 504152562...Natyrisht, Turqia i mobilizoi Shqiptarët, por këta luftuan më fort për të mprojtur vendin e tyre kundër fqinjëvet,...
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07..Ismail Kemal bey... took the floor and explained... that they all must strive to do what is necessary to save Albania from the great perils it is now facing.... they began by checking the documents...
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07...Albanians had ... uprisings that had taken ... in particular over the last four years, to preserve their rights and customs ... all the steps needed to appease and satisfy the Albanians
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07.. The issue of voting was then brought to the fore and, after much discussion, it was decided that each region (kaza) should have only one vote, irrespective of the number of delegates it had.....
Potom, 29. novembra 1912. formiran je Drački okrug u okviru kojeg su srezovi - Drač, Tirana, Elbasan i Lješ. ... On November 29, 1912 the Durrës County was established and in it there were established the following districts - Durres, Tirana, Elbasan and Lezhe
After the proclamation of independence on 28 November 1912 and the establishment of the national government, the international relations of Albania began to be instrumentalized in a state form. The first diplomatic acts of the government were efforts for its recognition and the recognition of the Albanian state... European diplomacy did not regard the government of Vlora as an important element of the Albanian state... The legitimate requests of the new Albanian state were not taken in consideration.
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ignored (help)In March 1913, Boletini accompanied Ismail Qemal bey Vlora to London to seek British support for the new country.
за освету због репресивних мера српске војске марта 1913 масакрирали су на спавању око 130 (или 200) војника једне чете
By May 1913...The Albanian delegates wished for a British sovereign and Ismail Kemal Vlora took the opportunity to ask Aubrey Herbert how he would respond if offered the throne
The provisional Government applied urgently for international recognition. There was no official response from Great Powers.
Највећи оружани упад изведен је крајем септембра 1913 у западну Македонију и област око Призрена... Исмаил Кемал је наложио избеглим арбанашким првацима, Бајраму Цуру, Иси Бољетинцу,... да са својим људима нападне српске области
The political leadership of Albania was divided. Ismail Kemal had attempted to appease the ambitious landowner and soldier Essad Pasha Toptani by appointing him Minister of Interior in July 1913, but Essad proved uncooperative...
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07.. four countries in the Balkans ...agreed to divide the Empire up among themselves, including Albania...only road to salvation was to separate Albania from Turkey...According to Ismail Kemal Bey, the most urgent measures that the Albanian nation must take today are these: that Albania be independent...
... Assembly of Vlora...its members were representatives of all regions of Albania
Nosi, Lef (2007), Dokumenta historike për t'i shërbye historiës tone kombëtare., Tirana: Instituti i Historisë, ISBN 978-99956-10-04-3, OCLC 230208965, archived from the original on 2011-05-07TEXT:in Vlora, on the 15th/28th of November 1328/1912. Following the speech made by the President, Ismail Kemal Bey, in which he spoke of the great perils facing Albania today, the delegates have all decided unanimously that Albania, as of today, should be on her own, free and independent.
The setting up of the government was postponed until the fourth hearing of the Assembly of Vlora, in order to give time to other delegates from all regions of Albania to arrive.
... Albania...In 1912, having achieved its independence from the Ottoman Empire, it continued for some time under the Turkish Civil Code (Mejelle)...
Until 1926 Albania had no currency of her own. Gold and silver coins of other countries were used as medium of exchange, while the franc of the Latin Monetary Union served as the official unit of account....during turbulent period 1912—1925
After the Proclamation of Independence and the creation of the Government of Vlora in 1912, measures were taken for the closing of foreign schools and opening Albanian ones.
Since World War I broke out shortly after Albania declared her independence in November 1912, there was a little time for progress in national education
A significant fact is that the Kosovar fighters, headed by the legendary hero Isa Boletini, set out on a long voyage to Vlora and created there the first nucleus of the new Albanian army under the command of the Provisional Government.
During independence (1912—44), Albania began pursuing agrarian reforms. These reforms, which aimed to transfer land ownership to peasants, brought about little change, however, as most land remained with the original landowners
With the Peace of London, the Great European powers, in the redistributing the land taken from Turks among the Balkan states, decided to create a new state, Albania.
... at the time of the creation of Albanian state (1913)
While the creation of Albania was the only political result of the Balkan wars...
...The Albanian state later became a monarchy. Until the installation of the monarchy,...
When Albania's state boundaries were delineated... in 1913, many Albanians were left outside of the new state. The largest group of unredeemed could be found in Kosova, which had served as cradle of Albanian nationalism in the nineteenth century...
Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany....exploited Albanian dissatisfaction with the country's ethnically imprecise frontiers
All Albanians, wherever they are located in the world, joyously commemorate November 28 as Albanian Independence Day (Dita e Flamurit), for it was on that day in 1912 in Albanian seacoast town of Vlora, that the venerable Albanian patriot, Ismail Qemali, first raised Albanian red-and-black double headed eagle flag and proclaimed Albanian independence...
Il a présenté une communication sur « L'organisation administrative, judiciaire et militaire de l'Albanie (1912-1914) » au colloque 80 ans d'indépendance albanaise, organisé par l'Académie des Sciences de ce pays en novembre 1992.
: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)education in Albania, until 1912, had varied according to religion: the Moslems attended the Ottoman schools; the Orthodox, the Greek schools, and, in the districts adjacent to the Slavs, the Serbian or Bulgarian schools; the Catholics attended the Italian or Austrian schools....