Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Istihsan al-Khawd fi 'Ilm al-Kalam" in English language version.
It seems that to al-Ash'ari, the valid sourses for religious knowledge are the Qur'an, Traditions and Ijma'. Therefore, it is not surprising that al-Ash'ari in his Risala fi Istihsan al-Khawd fi 'Ilm al-Kalam described the Traditionists (Ahl al-Hadith) as being ignorant, unable to rationalise or inquire into religious matter and more inclined to blind imitation of authority (taqlid). The Traditionalists accused the Mutakallimun of being deviationists (dallin) and innovators (mubtadi'in) and raised objections against the speculative Theology (Kalam).