"'피겨 장군' 김예림, 코로나19 확진…세계선수권 출전 불발" ['Figure skating general' Kim Yelim is covid positive and cannot attend the World Figure Skating Championships]. The Dong-a Ilbo (in Korean). March 18, 2022. Archived from the original on April 7, 2022. Retrieved March 19, 2022.
"'피겨 장군' 김예림, 코로나19 확진…세계선수권 출전 불발" ['Figure skating general' Kim Yelim is covid positive and cannot attend the World Figure Skating Championships]. The Dong-a Ilbo (in Korean). March 18, 2022. Archived from the original on April 7, 2022. Retrieved March 19, 2022.