The Information Appliance, By Catherine Arnst, November 22, 1993 - Bloomberg, ...Apple has recently introduced a similar machine, the Mac TV, that looks like a television set with a keyboard attached. The Mac TV can accept CD-ROM computer disks and display captions on the TV programs....
Black Enterprise, Apr 1994, Page 41, By Carolyn M. Brown, HOT PRODUCT Mac TV What Apple got when it crossed a Macintosh with a television It's an electronics dream come true: a computer, television and stereo all in one.
Macintosh Switcher's Guide, By Robert Standefer, Page 26, Failure #3: Mac TV - ...Only 10,000 units shipped before it was terminated...
Macintosh TV, The Apple Museum, Interesting Facts: As I said, the Mac TV's code name was "LD50". In the medical field, this means "lethal dosage 50%", which means half the people that take it will die. Apple developers probably didn't know this, but others must've because it caused some controversy. [sic]
Mac TV, LEM Staff - 1993.10.25, Low End Mac, This was perhaps the oddest Macintosh ever. It was the last desktop Mac with a 68030 processor, the first with a built-in TV tuner, the first black desktop Mac, and the first Mac to ship with a remote control. It is the only model in the “500 Series” that doesn’t have an available PDS (Processor Direct Slot) – that gave way to the TV tuner. The built-in 14″ Trinitron monitor displays 16-bit TV images, but only 8-bit computer graphics. Software allows it to capture a single TV frame as a PICT file.