Barth, Fredrik (1956). Indus and Swat Kohistan: an Ethnographic Survey. Oslo. p. 52. (requiere registro). The Pathans call them, and all other Muhammadans of Indian descent in the Hindu Kush valleys, Kohistanis.
Liljegren, Henrik (2018). «Supporting and Sustaining Language Vitality in Northern Pakistan». The Routledge Handbook of Language Revitalization. pp. 427-437. ISBN978-1-315-56127-1. doi:10.4324/9781315561271-54.
Hammarström, Harald. «Torwali». Glottolog. Consultado el 17 de abril de 2019.
Burrow, T. (1936). «The Dialectical Position of the Niya Prakrit». Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London8 (2/3): 419-435. ISSN1356-1898. JSTOR608051. «... It might be going too far to say that Torwali is the direct lineal descendant of the Niya Prakrit, but there is no doubt that out of all the modern languages it shows the closest resemblance to it. A glance at the map in the Linguistic Survey of India shows that the area at present covered by "Kohistani" is the nearest to that area round Peshawar, where, as stated above, there is most reason to believe was the original home of the Niya Prakrit. That conclusion, which was reached for other reasons, is thus confirmed by the distribution of the modern dialects.»
Burrow, T. (1936). «The Dialectical Position of the Niya Prakrit». Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London8 (2/3): 419-435. ISSN1356-1898. JSTOR608051. «... It might be going too far to say that Torwali is the direct lineal descendant of the Niya Prakrit, but there is no doubt that out of all the modern languages it shows the closest resemblance to it. A glance at the map in the Linguistic Survey of India shows that the area at present covered by "Kohistani" is the nearest to that area round Peshawar, where, as stated above, there is most reason to believe was the original home of the Niya Prakrit. That conclusion, which was reached for other reasons, is thus confirmed by the distribution of the modern dialects.»
Biddulph, John (1880). Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. Graz, Austria: 1971 edition Akadmeische Druck u Verlagasasntalt. p. 69.