BFT-SMaRt. Repositorio de Google Code para la biblioteca de replicación de BFT-SMaRt.
M., Paulitsch; Driscoll, K. (9 de enero de 2015). «Chapter 48:SAFEbus». En Zurawski, Richard, ed. Industrial Communication Technology Handbook, Second Edition. CRC Press. pp. 48-1-48-26. ISBN978-1-4822-0733-0.
UpRight. Repositorio de Google Code para la biblioteca de replicación de UpRight.
Driscoll, K.; Hall, B.; Paulitsch, M.; Zumsteg, P.; Sivencrona, H. (2004). The Real Byzantine Generals. pp. 6.D.4-61-11. doi:10.1109/DASC.2004.1390734.
Driscoll, Kevin; Hall, Brendan; Sivencrona, Håkan; Zumsteg, Phil (2003). Byzantine Fault Tolerance, from Theory to Reality2788. pp. 235-248. ISSN0302-9743. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39878-3_19.
Avizienis, A.; Laprie, J.-C.; Randell, Brian; Landwehr, C. (2004). «Basic concepts and taxonomy of dependable and secure computing». IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing1 (1): 11-33. ISSN1545-5971. doi:10.1109/TDSC.2004.2.
Walter, C.; Ellis, P.; LaValley, B. (2005). The Reliable Platform Service: A Property-Based Fault Tolerant Service Architecture. pp. 34-43. doi:10.1109/HASE.2005.23.
Paulitsch, M.; Morris, J.; Hall, B.; Driscoll, K.; Latronico, E.; Koopman, P. (2005). Coverage and the Use of Cyclic Redundancy Codes in Ultra-Dependable Systems. pp. 346-355. doi:10.1109/DSN.2005.31.
Hopkins, Albert L.; Lala, Jaynarayan H.; Smith, T. Basil (1987). The Evolution of Fault Tolerant Computing at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, 1955–851. pp. 121-140. ISSN0932-5581. doi:10.1007/978-3-7091-8871-2_6.
Castro, M.; Liskov, B. (2002). «Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Proactive Recovery». ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (Association for Computing Machinery) 20 (4): 398-461. doi:10.1145/571637.571640.Parámetro desconocido |citeseerx= ignorado (ayuda)
Guerraoui, Rachid; Kneževic, Nikola; Vukolic, Marko; Quéma, Vivien (2010). The Next 700 BFT Protocols. Proceedings of the 5th European conference on Computer systems. EuroSys.
Archistar. repositorio github para el proyecto Archistar.
Driscoll, Kevin; Hall, Brendan; Sivencrona, Håkan; Zumsteg, Phil (2003). Byzantine Fault Tolerance, from Theory to Reality2788. pp. 235-248. ISSN0302-9743. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39878-3_19.
Avizienis, A.; Laprie, J.-C.; Randell, Brian; Landwehr, C. (2004). «Basic concepts and taxonomy of dependable and secure computing». IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing1 (1): 11-33. ISSN1545-5971. doi:10.1109/TDSC.2004.2.
Hopkins, Albert L.; Lala, Jaynarayan H.; Smith, T. Basil (1987). The Evolution of Fault Tolerant Computing at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, 1955–851. pp. 121-140. ISSN0932-5581. doi:10.1007/978-3-7091-8871-2_6.