Google Translate (Estonian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Google Translate" in Estonian language version.

Global rank Estonian rank
1st place
1st place
2,218th place
low place
187th place
833rd place
114th place
618th place

  • Caswell, Isaac (5. detsember 2022). "Google Translate Learns 24 New Languages". The Keyword (inglise). Vaadatud 4. juulil 2023.
  • Turovsky, Barak (14. jaanuar 2015). "Hallo, hola, olá to the new, more powerful Google Translate app". The Keyword Google Blog. Google Inc. Originaali arhiivikoopia seisuga 6. jaanuar 2017. Vaadatud 14. jaanuaril 2015.
  • Turovsky, Barak (29. juuli 2015). "See the world in your language with Google Translate". The Keyword Google Blog. Google Inc. Originaali arhiivikoopia seisuga 7. aprill 2019. Vaadatud 30. juulil 2015.