Relations internationales du Tibet (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Relations internationales du Tibet" in French language version.

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3,051st place
182nd place
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9,098th place
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243rd place
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739th place
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27th place
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97th place
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2,137th place
2,786th place

  • (en) Thomas Laird, The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama.
  • (ISBN 070071572X)&id=gG4w16HiaFQC&pg=PA31&lpg=PA31&ots=Pw-dUcQ1UX&dq=%22Tibetan+resistance+movement%22+dalai+lama&ie=ISO-8859-1&output=html&sig=9nATmu20oKGM9Znb7fGpho4YitE The Tibetan Independence Movement: Political, Religious and Gandhian Perspectives, Jane Ardley

  • Daniel Smith, Self-Determination in Tibet: the Politics of Remedies, part II, Écritique, No 2, 1997 : « Also in 1954, the Indian government concluded with China the "Agreement on Trade and Intercourse Between the Tibet Region of China and India," avowing "'mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty'" and thereby essentially recognizing its control over Tibet ».

  • Brent Navarro, Tibet:Assessing its Potential for China's Instability, téléversable depuis le site : « From the late 1950’s to early 1960’s the United Nations body was more vocal in expressing their concern for Tibet. Three major resolutions were passed by the UN: Resolution 1353, Resolution 1723, and Resolution 2079. These resolutions showed the sympathy the International Community had for Tibet. All these resolutions were less than five years apart from each other and each expressed concern for the human rights violations China was accused of committing on Tibetans. There has since been no major resolution by the United Nations concerning Tibetan affairs ».

  • (en) Melvyn C. Goldstein, The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet and the Dalai Lama, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1997, chap. Tibetan Attempts to Modernize (« Tentatives tibétaines de modernisation »), p. 37 : « Chinese fortunes in Tibet improved slightly after the death of the 13th Dalai Lama when Tibet allowed a "condolence mission" sent by Guomindang government of Chiang Kaishek to visit Lhasa, and then permitted it to open an office to facilitate negotiations aimed at resolving the Tibet Question. These talks proved futile, but Tibet allowed the office to remain ».

  • David Miliband, Written Ministerial Statement on Tibet (29/10/2008), site Internet du ministère des affaires étrangères. Citation : Our ability to get our points across has sometimes been clouded by the position the UK took at the start of the 20th century on the status of Tibet, a position based on the geo-politics of the time. Our recognition of China's "special position" in Tibet developed from the outdated concept of suzerainty. Some have used this to cast doubt on the aims we are pursuing and to claim that we are denying Chinese sovereignty over a large part of its own territory. We have made clear to the Chinese Government, and publicly, that we do not support Tibetan independence. Like every other EU member state, and the United States, we regard Tibet as part of the People's Republic of China. Our interest is in long term stability, which can only be achieved through respect for human rights and greater autonomy for the Tibetans.

  • Into Tibet. The CIA’s First Atomic Spy and his Secret Expedition into Lhasa], publicité du journaliste Thomas Laird pour son livre du même nom (Grove Press, Hardcover, 1st edition, May 2002 , 364 pages (ISBN 0802117147)) : « Standing up in the Potala the twenty eight-year-old American agent made an impassioned plea to the Tibetan National Assembly, urging it to officially request covert US military aid. This is what he thought Mackiernan would have done. Chinese spies in Lhasa followed his every move. Six weeks after he left Tibet, with the governments' official written request for covert military aid in hand, that document was encrypted and transmitted back to Washington where it landed on the desk of Dean Rusk, at the State Department. Weeks later the CIA began to air drop small amounts of military aid into Tibet. Weeks after that China invaded, claiming it did so to halt 'Imperialist Plots'. America publicly denied any covert US involvement as 'Communist Propaganda'. Tibet had to lie about these events, to protect America ».

  • [1] The First Mongol Conquest of Tibet Reinterpreted, Turrell V. Wylie, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Jun., 1977), pp. 103-133

  • (en) Give up on the US, deal directly with China: Gyalo Thondup, site de Lobsang Wangyal, 7 septembre 2005 : « I escaped from Tibet to India in 1952. The CIA probably watched my movements from a far distance. They didn't approach me until 1953. The first meeting took place in Darjeeling where I was residing then. And then I went to the US consulate in Calcutta and Delhi, and then all sorts of things happened. I don't remember the people I met. That was a long time ago. »

  • Il s'agit de George N. Patterson, ancien missionnaire dans le Kham et traducteur du consulat américain à Calcutta, cf (en) Dr Liu Chao, Secret CIA Sponsorship of Tibetan Rebels Against China Exposed - How a Ground-Breaking Book Unveiled History as it Was, entretien avec Kenneth Conboy, auteur de CIA's Secret War in Tibet, People's Daily, 28 mars 2008 ; autre adresse : CIa Secret War in Tibet : « Original Excerpts from the Book: (...) "(In July 1950,) US Embassy officials even flirted with fanciful plans for Heinrich Harrer, the monarch's former tutor, and George Patterson, an affable Scottish missionary who had once preached in Kham, to effectively kidnap the Dalai Lama and bundle him off to India" ».

  • Martine Bulard, Chine-Tibet, des identités communes, article reproduit sur le site de l'UPMF de Grenoble avec comme indications Le Monde Diplomatique, 30 avril 2008, ainsi que sur le blogue Planète Asie du Monde Diplomatique à la date du 30 avril 2008 : « Rappelons que les Nations unies n’ont jamais inclus le Tibet dans les pays à décoloniser (avant comme après 1971 – date du remplacement de Taïwan par la Chine populaire) et qu’aucun pays n’a reconnu le « gouvernement » tibétain en exil et donc la possibilité d’une indépendance ».

  • On en trouvera le texte intégral ici

  • Il s'agit de George N. Patterson, ancien missionnaire dans le Kham et traducteur du consulat américain à Calcutta, cf (en) Dr Liu Chao, Secret CIA Sponsorship of Tibetan Rebels Against China Exposed - How a Ground-Breaking Book Unveiled History as it Was, entretien avec Kenneth Conboy, auteur de CIA's Secret War in Tibet, People's Daily, 28 mars 2008 ; autre adresse : CIa Secret War in Tibet : « Original Excerpts from the Book: (...) "(In July 1950,) US Embassy officials even flirted with fanciful plans for Heinrich Harrer, the monarch's former tutor, and George Patterson, an affable Scottish missionary who had once preached in Kham, to effectively kidnap the Dalai Lama and bundle him off to India" ».

  • (en) Sydney Wignall, The Telegraph, 2012 : « Wignall was indeed a spy, though not for the CIA. In his book he described how, shortly before leaving Wales, a British colonel had introduced him to an Indian intelligence officer in London who wanted to find out about Chinese troop movements in Tibet. »

  • U.S. Department of State, 95/09/07, Testimony: Kent Wiedemann on policy toward Tibet Bureau for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, testimony by Kent M. Wiedemann, Deputy Assistant Secretary oF State For East Asian And Pacific Affairs Before Subcommittee On East Asian And Pacific Affairs Senate Foreign Relations Committee :« The United States considers the Tibet Autonomous Region or TAR (hereinafter referred to as "Tibet") a part of the People's Republic of China. This longstanding policy is consistent with the view of the entire international community, including all China's neighbors: no country recognizes Tibet as a sovereign state. Moreover, U.S. acceptance of China's claim of sovereignty over Tibet predates the establishment of the People's Republic of China. In 1942, we told the Nationalist Chinese government then headquartered in Chongqing (Chungking) that we had "at no time raised (a) question" over Chinese claims to Tibet. Because we do not recognize Tibet as an independent state, the United States does not conduct diplomatic relations with the representatives of Tibetans in exile. However, the United States urges China to respect Tibet's unique religious, linguistic and cultural traditions and the human rights of Tibetans. The United States continues, moreover, to encourage China and the Dalai Lama to hold serious discussions aimed at resolution of differences at an early date, without preconditions, and on a fixed agenda. We have consistently asserted that the question of Tibet's status should be resolved by dialogue and negotiations between the Tibetans and the Chinese. ».

  • Martine Bulard, Chine-Tibet, des identités communes, article reproduit sur le site de l'UPMF de Grenoble avec comme indications Le Monde Diplomatique, 30 avril 2008, ainsi que sur le blogue Planète Asie du Monde Diplomatique à la date du 30 avril 2008 : « Rappelons que les Nations unies n’ont jamais inclus le Tibet dans les pays à décoloniser (avant comme après 1971 – date du remplacement de Taïwan par la Chine populaire) et qu’aucun pays n’a reconnu le « gouvernement » tibétain en exil et donc la possibilité d’une indépendance ».

  • Géopolitique des États-Unis, op. cit., p. 372 : « En mars [1950], des officiers du Consulat américain à Kalguda (Il y a 3 consulats américains en Inde) prirent contact avec Shagpa, une personnalité du Kashag tibétain, pour mettre au point la livraison d'armes américaines au Tibet et leur stockage au Sikkim, au Népal [...], de façon que les Tibétains puissent en prendre possession plus facilement ».

  • FRUS, VII, China area, The ambassador in India (Henderson) to the Secretary of State, 1951, p. 1759. Dans les archives du FRUS précitées, une lettre en question des responsables américains souligne : « Si vous restez au Tibet, cela sera dommageable pour votre peuple. Si vous voulez aller au Sri Lanka ou chercher refuge dans un autre pays, le Gouvernement américain sera prêt à vous aider à obtenir l'asile, à obtenir la permission de transiter dans les pays nécessaires, et à payer votre voyage et celui de votre entourage [...] La pré-condition de l'assistance et du soutien américains est que vous quittiez le Tibet, que vous rejetiez ouvertement l'accord signé entre les délégués du Tibet et les représentants communistes, et que vous veuilliez coopérer avec les États-Unis dans le domaine anticommuniste.»[Interprétation personnelle ?]