Hannah Arendt, Breviaire de la Haine: Le IIIe Reich et les Juifs, by Léon Poliakov [Harvest of Hate: The Third Reich and the Jews, by Léon Poliakov], su commentarymagazine.com, Calmann-Lévy, 1º marzo 1952, ISSN 0010-2601 (WC · ACNP), OCLC 488561243. URL consultato il 16 marzo 2015 (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 gennaio 2012).
«Léon Poliakov's excellent book on the Third Reich and the Jews is the first to describe the last phases of the Nazi regime on the basis, strictly, of primary source material. This consists chiefly of documents presented at the Nuremberg Trials and published in several volumes by the American government under the title Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, These volumes contain, in addition to captured Nazi archives, a considerable number of sworn reports and affidavits by former Nazi officials. Mr. Poliakov, with a reasoned obstinacy, tells the story as the documents themselves unfold it, thus avoiding the prejudices and preconceived judgments that mar almost all the other published accounts.»