McCloud, Kimberly (March 7, 2001). “WMD Terrorism and Usama bin Laden”. CNS Reports. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. May 6, 2011時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2011閲覧。
Livesey, Bruce (January 25, 2005). “Special Reports – The Salafist Movement: Al Qaeda's New Front”. PBS Frontline. WGBH educational foundation. October 18, 2011閲覧。 Geltzer, Joshua A. (2011). US Counter-Terrorism Strategy and al-Qaeda: Signalling and the Terrorist World-View (Reprint ed.). Routledge. p. 83. ISBN978-0415664523
McCloud, Kimberly (March 7, 2001). “WMD Terrorism and Usama bin Laden”. CNS Reports. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. May 6, 2011時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2011閲覧。
C. Glenn – The IslamistsThe Wilson Centre September 28, 2015 Accessed June 15, 2017 – "... Zawahiri does not claim to have direct hierarchical control over al Qaeda's vast, networked structure. Al Qaeda's core leadership seeks to centralize the organization's messaging and strategy rather than to manage the daily operations of its franchises. But formal affiliates are required to consult with al Qaeda's core leadership before carrying out large-scale attacks."