ツノゴケ類 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ツノゴケ類" in Japanese language version.

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2nd place
6th place
1,997th place
5,286th place
2,238th place
2,053rd place


  • Villarreal, J. C., & Renzaglia, K. S. (2015). “The hornworts: important advancements in early land plant evolution”. Journal of Bryology 37: 157-170. doi:10.1179/1743282015Y.0000000016. 
  • Villarreal, J.C. & Renzaglia, K.S. (2006). “Structure and development of Nostoc strands in Leiosporoceros dussii (Anthocerotophyta): a novel symbiosis in land plants”. American Journal of Botany 93: 693–705. doi:10.3732/ajb.93.5.693. 
  • Thomas, R. J., Stanton, D. S., Longendorfer, D. H. & Farr, M. E. (1978). “Physiological evaluation of the nutritional autonomy of a hornwort sporophyte”. Bot. Gaz. 139: 306-311. doi:10.1086/337006. 
  • Renzaglia, K. S., Schuette, S., Duff, R. J., Ligrone, R., Shaw, A. J., Mishler, B. D. & Duckett, J. G. (2007). Bryophyte phylogeny: advancing the molecular and morphological frontiers. The bryologist. 110. pp. 179-213. doi:10.1639/0007-2745(2007)110[179:BPATMA]2.0.CO;2. 
  • Vaughn, K. C., Ligrone, R., Owen, H. A., Hasegawa, J., Campbell, E. O., Renzaglia, K. S. & Monge-Najera, J. (1992). “The anthocerote chloroplast: A review”. New Phytologist 120: 169-190. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1992.tb05653.x. 
  • Hanson, D., Andrews, T. J., and Badger, M. R. (2002). “Variability of the pyrenoid-based CO2 concentrating mechanism in hornworts (Anthocerotophyta)”. Funct. Plant Biol. 29: 407–416. doi:10.1071/PP01210. 
  • Li, F.-W., Villarreal, J.C., Kelly, S., Rothfels, C.J., Melkonian, M., Frangedakis, E., Ruhsam, M., Sigel, E.M., Der, J.P., Pittermann, J., Burge, D.O., Pokorny, L., Larsson, A., Chen, T., Weststrand, S., Thomas, P., Carpenter, E., Zhang, Y., Tian, Z., Chen, L., Yan, Z., Zhu, Y., Sun, X., Wang, J., Stevenson, D.W., Crandall-Stotler, B.J., Shaw, A.J., Deyholos, M.K., Soltis, D.E., Graham, S.W., Windham, M.D., Langdale, J.A., Wong, G.K.-S., Mathews, S. & Pryer, K.M. (2014). “Horizontal gene transfer of a chimeric photoreceptor, neochrome, from bryophytes to ferns”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111: 6672–6677. doi:10.1073/pnas.1319929111. 
  • Desirò, A., Duckett, J. G., Pressel, S., Villarreal, J. C. & Bidartondo, M. I. (2013). “Fungal symbioses in hornworts: a chequered history”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280: 20130207. doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.0207. 
  • Nishiyama, T. & Kato, M. (1999). “Molecular phylogenetic analysis among bryophytes and tracheophytes based on combined data of plastid coded genes and the 18S rRNA gene”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 16: 1027-1036. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a026192. 
  • Mishler, B. D., Lewis, L. A., Buchheim, M. A., Renzaglia, K. S., Garbary, D. J., Delwiche, C. F., ... & Chapman, R. L. (1994). “Phylogenetic relationships of the" green algae" and" bryophytes"”. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 81: 451-483. doi:10.2307/2399900. 
  • Qiu, Y.-L., Lia, L., Wanga, B., Chen, Z., Knoop, V., Groth-Malonek, M., Dombrovska, O., Lee, J., Kent, L., Rest, J., Estabrook, G.F., Hendry, T.A., Taylor, D.W., Testa, C.M., Ambros, M., Crandall-Stotler, B., Duff, R.J., Stech, M., Frey, W., Quandt, D. & Davis, C.C. (2006). “The deepest divergences in land plants inferred from phylogenomic evidence”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103: 15511–15516. doi:10.1073/pnas.0603335103. 
  • Cox, C.J., Li, B., Foster, P.G., Embley, T.M. & Civáň, P. (2014). “Conflicting phylogenies for early land plants are caused by composition biases among synonymous substitutions”. Systematic Biology 63: 272–279. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syt109. 
  • Nishiyama, T., Wolf, P.G., Kugita, M., Sinclair, R.B., Sugita, M., Sugiura, C., Wakasugi, T., Yamada, K., Yoshinaga, K. & Yamaguchi, K. (2004). “Chloroplast phylogeny indicates that bryophytes are monophyletic”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21: 1813–1819. doi:10.1093/molbev/msh203. 
  • Karol, K.G., Arumuganathan, K., Boore, J.L., Duffy, A.M., Everett, K.D.E., Hall, J.D., Hansen, S.K., Kuehl, J.V., Mandoli, D.F. & Mishler, B.D. (2010). “Complete plastome sequences of Equisetum arvense and Isoetes flaccida: implications for phylogeny and plastid genome evolution of early land plant lineages”. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 321. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-10-321. 
  • Chang, Y. & Graham, S.W. (2011). “Inferring the higher-order phylogeny of mosses (Bryophyta) and relatives using a large, multigene plastid data set”. American Journal of Botany 98: 839–849. doi:10.3732/ajb.0900384. 
  • Wickett, N.J., Mirara, S., Nguyen, N., Warnow, T., Carpenter, E., Matascie, N., Ayyampalayam, S., Barker, M.S., Burleigh, J.G., Gitzendanner, M.A., Ruhfel, B.R., Wafula, E., Der, J.P., Graham, S.W., Mathews, S., Melkonian, M., Soltis, D.E., Soltis, P.S., Miles, N.W., Rothfels, C.J., Pokorny, L., Shaw, A.J., DeGironimo, L., Stevenson, D.W., Surek, B., Villarreal, J.C., Roure, B., Philippe, H., dePamphilis, C.W., Chen, T., Deyholos, M.K., Baucom, R.S., Kutchan, T.M., Augustin, M.M., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Tian, Z., Yan, Z., Wu, X., Sun, X., Wong, G.K.-S. & Leebens-Mackg, J. (2014). “A phylotranscriptomic analysis of the origin and early diversi- fication of land plants”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111: E4859–68. doi:10.1073/pnas.1323926111. 
  • Katagiri, T. & Furuki, T. (2018). “Checklist of Japanese liverworts and hornworts, 2018”. Hattoria 9: 53-102. doi:10.18968/hattoria.9.0_53. 
  • Duff, R. J., Villarreal, J. C., Cargill, D. C. & Renzaglia, K. S. (2007). “Progress and challenges toward developing a phylogeny and classification of the hornworts”. The Bryologist 110: 214-244. doi:10.1639/0007-2745(2007)110[214:PACTDA]2.0.CO;2. 
  • Villarreal, J. C., Cargill, D. C., Hagborg, A., Soderstrom, L. & Renzaglia, K. S. (2014). “A synthesis of hornwort diversity: Patterns, causes and future work”. Phytotaxa 9: 150-166. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.9.1.8. 




  • Phylum Anthocerotophyta”. Introduction to Bryophytes. Biology 321, University of British Columbia.. 2019年12月20日閲覧。