ローヌ渡河戦 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ローヌ渡河戦" in Japanese language version.

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  • Lazenby (1998) p. 276, Appendix III The Diary of the March, sets a precise hypothetical schedule of Hannibal's march. The precision exceeds that of the evidence, but it is based on a synoptic view. The date given is September 25 for the main crossing and battle. All dates for the battle are pinned on a statement by Polybius in Histories III.54 that Hannibal reached the top of the pass about the setting of the Pleiades, which Lazenby takes to be "the first fortnight in November" and sets arbitrarily at November 1 in the Diary. Counting back the estimated time for events he arrives at September 25 for the crossing.
  • Lazenby (1998) p. 31, based on the 160 + 60 that transported Roman troops in 218 mentioned in Polybius Histories III.41. Livy on the other hand says the Senate voted the launching of 225 banked ships and 20 light galleys, History of Rome XXI.17.