Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "프랑스의 대외 관계" in Korean language version.
In 1799, the French leader Napoleon invaded Egypt. A group of his soldiers found the ancient Egyptian temples at Luxor and Karnak. Their most important discovery, however, was the Rosetta Stone, which turned out to be the key to Egyptian writing.
佛蘭西와 中共은 兩國이 外交關係를 樹立하였으며 앞으로 三個月以內에 大使를 交換할 것에 合意했다고 27日 共同으로 發表했다. … 「드 · 골」佛蘭西大統領에 依한 中共承認은 美國및 其他 佛蘭西 盟邦들의 날카로운 抗議를 무릅쓰고 이루어졌다.