Calendarium Gregorianum (Latin Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Calendarium Gregorianum" in Latin language version.

Global rank Latin rank
18th place
25th place
low place
317th place

  • J. D. North, "The Western Calendar: 'Intolerabilis, Horribilis, et Derisibilis': Four Centuries of Discontent." In: G. V. Coyne, M. A. Hoskin, O. Pedersen, Gregorian Reform of the Calendar: Proceedings of the Vatican conference to commemorate its 400th anniversary. Specola Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 1983 (in interrete); p. 78
  • A. Ziggelaar: The Papal Bull of 1582 Promulgating a Reform of the Calendar. In: G. V. Coyne, M. A. Hoskin, O. Pedersen, Gregorian Reform of the Calendar: Proceedings of the Vatican conference to commemorate its 400th anniversary. Specola Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 1983 (in interrete); p. 223