Vernon, W. H. D. (1942). Hitler, the man—notes for a case history. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 37(3), 295. «Hitler's personality structure, though falling within the normal range, may now be described as of the paranoid type with delusions of persecution and of grandeur.»
Fullstendig sitert hos Martin Neubauer: Literatur des Nationalsozialismus: In Braunau, da ist er geboren / Da trat er ins Leben ein,/ Er, der für die Heimat erkoren, /Der unser Befreier sollt' sein. Drum zieht es voll Sehnsucht mich hin / Nach Braunau, nach Braunau am inn // Du Braunau, Gott hat dich erlesen, / Durch dich wurde er uns geschent, / Hier wurde reindeutsches Wesen / In jungfrisches Herze gesenkt; / Drum Deutscher, lenk stets deinen Sinn / Nach Braunau, nach Braunau am Inn.
Solla, P., Cannas, A., & Marrosu, F. (2016). Influence of Parkinsonism on Hitler's Decision-Making. Letter to the editor, World Neurosurgery, 86, 4. «To begin with Hitler’s PD, it should be highlighted that there is no any certainty of the definite diagnosis of idiopathic PD, and neuropathologic studies are lacking. (…) Again, it is worth noting that motor symptoms of parkinsonism were mild and, according to the same observations by Lieberman, his Hoehn and Yahr stage was between 1 or 2 (i.e., parkinsonism without limitation of his mobility) until 1944. (…) Nonetheless, although we agree in considering that Hitler’s decision-making impairments correlated with the parkinsonism might have undermined his political power, we do not support the authors’ [Gupta et al., 2015] thesis that his aggressive and insensitive personality should be considered as the result of an idiopathic PD.»
[1] Sherree Owens Zalampas: Adolf Hitler: A Psychological Interpretation of His Views on Architecture
Kunstarkivet, abART person-ID 15639, besøkt 1. april 2021[Hentet fra Wikidata]
duplicates of Roman Catholic baptism records from Upper Austria, inventarnummer 106/1889, registration district Sankt Stephan,, uttrykt i referansen som Vorstadt 219, avsnitt, vers eller paragraf 49, besøkt 4. november 2022[Hentet fra Wikidata]
Munzinger Personen, Munzinger IBA 00000000564, besøkt 9. oktober 2017[Hentet fra Wikidata]
«Trodde Hitler bløffet om selvmord». 15. april 2011. Besøkt 7. mars 2020. «Hva skjedde i «Der Führerbunker»? Vanskelig å si, men den britiske historikeren Antony Beevor - som blant annet har skrevet boka «Berlin. Nederlaget 1945» (2002) - skriver at Hitler i løpet av 29. april fikk høre om henrettelsen av hans italienske forbundsfelle Benito Mussolini og at dette sannsynligvis styrket ham i beslutningen på å ende livet der og da.»