Leighton Wilson Hazelhurst jr. (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Leighton Wilson Hazelhurst jr." in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
low place
low place
low place
low place
7th place
33rd place



  • «Two Airmen Are Killed, Lieut. L. W. Hazelhurst and A. L. Welch the Victims». Chattanooga Daily Times. 12. juni 1912. Besøkt 5. september 2009. «Lieut. Hazelhurst is the third army officer to die in an aeroplane plunge. Lieut. Thomas E. Selfridge met death in a machine that fell with him and Orville Wright at Ft. Meyer, Va., in September 1908, and Lieut. G. E. M. Kelly received a fatal fall on an army aviation field at San Antonio, Tex., last year.» 

