Migrasjon (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Migrasjon" in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
1,159th place
8th place
254th place
309th place
2,558th place
2,104th place
2,557th place
low place


  • «Over half of Arab youth in the Levant and North Africa want to emigrate». Arabian Business. 16. august 2023. Besøkt 21. august 2023. «Over half of Arab youth in the Levantine and North African countries say they are actively trying to leave or are considering leaving their country for better opportunities. The desire to emigrate is strongest among young men and women in the Levant (53 per cent) followed by North Africa (48 per cent), with the primary goal of finding a job.» 


  • «Cheques don't check treks». The Economist (9208): 24–25. 29. august 2020. «Migration, in fact, goes hand-in-hand with a country's development. In another study Mr Clemens found that as poor countries grow richer their emigration rate rises. This trend continutes until they have an annual income per head of about $10,000 (see chart). Income in sub-Sahara is about a third of that.» 


