"Equalitarianism proper is the demand that the citizens of the state should be treated impartially. It is the demand that birth, family connection, or wealth must not influence those who administer the law to the citizens. In other words, it does not recognize any ‘natural’ privileges, although certain privileges may be conferred by the citizens upon those they trust." POPPER, Karl, The Open Society And Its EnemiesArquivado em 10 de julho de 2012, no Wayback Machine.. Volume I. Plato’s Political Programme. Chapter 6: Totalitarian Justice. IV p. 100.
The American Heritage Dictionary (2003). «egalitarianism». Consultado em 30 de maio de 2014
"Equalitarianism proper is the demand that the citizens of the state should be treated impartially. It is the demand that birth, family connection, or wealth must not influence those who administer the law to the citizens. In other words, it does not recognize any ‘natural’ privileges, although certain privileges may be conferred by the citizens upon those they trust." POPPER, Karl, The Open Society And Its EnemiesArquivado em 10 de julho de 2012, no Wayback Machine.. Volume I. Plato’s Political Programme. Chapter 6: Totalitarian Justice. IV p. 100.