Urso-polar (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Urso-polar" in Portuguese language version.

Global rank Portuguese rank
2nd place
4th place
622nd place
10th place
1st place
1st place
2,434th place
7,894th place
344th place
282nd place
5th place
5th place
167th place
165th place
88th place
81st place
387th place
800th place
733rd place
425th place
low place
7,643rd place
2,927th place
3,236th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
120th place
157th place
low place
low place
74th place
3rd place
3,515th place
2,356th place
low place
low place
115th place
313th place
293rd place
726th place
low place
low place
5,715th place
low place
1,162nd place
1,240th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
712th place
584th place

















  • DAVISON, J.; HO, S.Y.W.; BRAY, S.C.; KORSTEN, M.; TAMMELEHT, E.; HINDRIKSON, M.; ØSTBYE, K.; ØSTBYE, E.; LAURITZEN, S.-E.; AUSTIN, J.; COOPER, A.; SAARMA, U. (2011). «Late-Quaternary biogeographic scenarios for the brown bear (Ursus arctos), a wild mammal model species». Quaternary Science Reviews. 30: 418-430. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.11.023 
  • TALBOT, S.L.; SHIELDS, G.F. (1996). «Phylogeography of brown bears (Ursus arctos) of Alaska and paraphyly within the Ursidae». Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 5 (3): 477–494. doi:10.1006/mpev.1996.0044 
  • LINDQVIST, C.; SCHUSTER, S.C.; SUN, Y.; TALBOT, S.L.; QI, J.; RATAN, A.; TOMSHO, L.P.; KASSON, L.; ZEYL, E. (2010). «Complete mitochondrial genome of a Pleistocene jawbone unveils the origin of polar bear». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107 (11): 5053–5057. doi:10.1073/pnas.0914266107 
  • EDWARDS, C.J.; SUCHARD, M.A.; LEMEY, P.; WELCH, J.; BARNES, I.; FULTON, T.L.; BARNETT, R.; O'CONNELL, T.C.; COXON, P.; MONAGHAN, N.; VALDIOSERA, C.E.; LORENZEN, E.D.; WILLERSLEV, E.; BARYSHNIKOV, G.F.; RAMBAUT, A.; THOMAS, M.G.; BRADLEY, D.G.; SHAPIRO, B. (2011). «Ancient Hybridization and an Irish Origin for the Modern Polar Bear Matriline». Current Biology. 21 (15): 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2011.05.058 
  • HAILER, F.; KUTSCHERA, V.E.; HALLSTRÖM, B.M.; KLASSERT, D.; FAIN, S.R.; LEONARD, J.A.; ARNASON, U.; JANKEL, A.; (2012). «Nuclear Genomic Sequences Reveal that Polar Bears Are an Old and Distinct Bear Lineage». Science. 336: 344-347. doi:10.1126/science.1216424 
  • INGÓLFSSON, O; WIIG, Ø. (2008). «Late Pleistocene fossil find in Svalbard: The oldest remains of a polar bear (Ursus maritimus Phipps, 1744) ever discovered». Polar Research. 28 (3): 455-642. doi:10.1111/j.1751-8369.2008.00087.x 
  • LAINDRE, K.L.; STIRLING, I.; LOWRY, L.F.; WIIG, Ø.; HEIDE-JØRGENSEN, M.P.; FERGUSON, S.H. (2008). «Quantifying the sensitivity of Arctic marine mammals to climate-induced habitat change». Ecological Applications. 18 (2): 97-125. doi:10.1890/06-0546.1 
  • YU, L.; LI, Q.W.; RYDER, O.A.; ZHANG, Y.P. (2004). «Phylogeny of the bears (Ursidae) based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes». Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 32: 480-494. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2004.02.015 
  • YU, L.; LI, Y.-W.; RYDER, O.A.; ZHANG, Y. (2007). «Analysis of complete mitochondrial genome sequences increases phylogenetic resolution of bears (Ursidae), a mammalian family that experienced rapid speciation». BMC Evolutionary Biology. 7: 198–209. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-7-198 
  • KRAUSE, J.; UNGER, T.; NOÇON, A.; MALASPINAS, A.-S.; KOLOKOTRONIS, S.-O.; STILLER, M.; SOIBELZON, L.; SPRIGGS, H.; DEAR, P.H.; BRIGGS, A.W.; BRAY, S.C.E.; O'BRIEN, S.J.; RABEDER, G.; MATHEUS, P.; COOPER, A.; SLATKIN, M.; PÄÄBOP, S.; HOFREITER, M. (2008). «Mitochondrial genomes reveal an explosive radiation of extinct and extant bears near the Miocene-Pliocene boundary». BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8. 220 páginas. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-220 
  • DeMASTER; D.P. STIRLING, I. (1981). «Ursus maritimus». Mammalian Species. 145: 1-7. doi:10.2307/3503828 
  • PAETKAU, D.; AMSTRUP, S.C.; BORN, E.W.; CALVERT, W.; DEROCHER, A.E.; GARNER, G.W.; MESSIER, F.; STIRLING, I.; TAYLOR, M.K.; WIIG, Ø.; STROBECK, C. (1999). «Genetic structure of the world's polar bear populations». Molecular Ecology. 8 (10): 1571-1584. doi:10.1046/j.1365-294x.1999.00733.x 
  • DEROCHER, A.E.; LUNN, N.J.; STIRLING, I. (2004). «Polar Bears in a Warming Climate». Integrative and Comparative Biology. 44 (2): 163-176. doi:10.1093/icb/44.2.163 
  • STIRLING, I. (1997). «The importance of polynyas, ice edges, and leads to marine mammals and birds». Journal of Marine Systems. 10 (1–4): 9–21. doi:10.1016/S0924-7963(96)00054-1 
  • ZEYL, E.; AARs, J.; EHRICH, D.; BACHMANN, L.; WIIG, Ø. (2009). «The mating system of polar bears: a genetic approach». Canadian Journal of Zoology. 87 (12): 1195-1209. doi:10.1139/Z09-107 
  • ROSING-ASVID, A.; BORN, E.W.; KINGSLEY, M.C.S. (2002). «Age at sexual maturity of males and timing of the mating season of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in Greeland». Polar Biology. 25: 878-883. doi:10.1007/s00300-002-0430-7 
  • RAMSAY, M.A.; STIRLING, I. (1986). «On the mating system of polar bears». Canadian Journal of Zoology. 64 (10): 2142-2151. doi:10.1139/z86-329 
  • SKAARE, J.U.; LARSEN, H.J.; LIE, E.; BERNHOFT, A.; DEROCHER, A.E.; NORSTROM, R.; ROPSTAD, E.; LUNN, N.F.; WIIG, Ø. (2002). «Ecological risk assessment of persistent organic pollutants in the arctic». Toxicology. 181-182: 193-197. doi:10.1016/S0300-483X(02)00280-9 
  • LETCHER, R.J.; BUSTNES, J.O.; DIETZ, R.; JENSSEN, B.M.; JØRGENSEN, E.H.; SONNE, C.; VERREAULT, J.; VIJAYAN, M.M.; GABRIELSEN, G.W. (2010). «Exposure and effects assessment of persistent organohalogen contaminants in arctic wildlife and fish». Science of the Total Environment. 408 (15): 2995-3043. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.10.038 
  • Stirling, Ian. «Polar Bear: Ursus maritimus» (PDF). In: Würsig, Bernd; Perrin, William; Thewissen, J.G.M. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (em inglês) 2ª ed. [S.l.]: Elsevier Science. pp. 888–890. ISBN 9780080919935. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-373553-9.00204-2 
  • MONNETT, C.; GLEASON, J.S. (2006). «Observations of mortality associated with extended open-water swimming by polar bears in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea». Polar Biology. 29 (8): 681–687. doi:10.1007/s00300-005-0105-2 
  • REGEHR, E.V.; LUNN, N.J.; AMSTRUP, N.C.; STIRLING, I. (2007). «Effects of earlier sea ice breakup on survival and population size of polar bears in western Hudson Bay». Journal of Wildlife Management. 71 (8): 2673–2683. doi:10.2193/2006-180 
  • FISCHBACH, A.S.; AMSTRUP, S.C.; DOUGLAS, D.C. (2007). «Landward and eastward shift of Alaskan polar bear denning associated with recent sea ice changes». Polar Biology. 30 (11): 1395–1405. doi:10.1007/s00300-007-0300-4 




  • «Polar bear». U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. 13 de junho de 2012. Consultado em 14 de junho de 2012 














  • «Polar bear». Species at Risk Public Registry. 4 de abril de 2012. Consultado em 14 de junho de 2012 










