Lemmy on heartbreak, ageing and his penchant for Nazi memorabilia(англ.). The Independent. — «We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?» Дата обращения: 11 января 2016. Архивировано 14 января 2016 года.
Lemmy on heartbreak, ageing and his penchant for Nazi memorabilia(англ.). The Independent. — «We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?» Дата обращения: 11 января 2016. Архивировано 14 января 2016 года.