Für so einen Schweinehund wie den böhmischen Gefreiten erschieße ich mich nicht! (I am not going to shoot myself for such a swine as this Bohemian corporal!), quoted in: Ich bitte erschossen zu werden, Der Spiegel, 1949-01-29.
Historical Memorial Complex "To the Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle" at Mamayev Hill. Official web siteArchived 2008-09-26 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 17 July 2008.
Historical Memorial Complex "To the Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle" at Mamayev Hill. Official web siteArchived 2008-09-26 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 17 July 2008.
Anthony Tihamér Komjáthy (1982). A Thousand Years of the Hungarian Art of War. Toronto: Rakoczi Foundation. pp. 144–45. ISBN978-0-8191-6524-4. OCLC26807671.
Pusca, Dragos; Nitu, Victor. The Battle of Stalingrad — 1942Romanian Armed Forces in the Second World War (worldwar2.ro). Retrieved 4 December 2009.