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BIGGS, A. R; EL-KHOLI, M. M; EL-NESHAWY, S. Effects of Calcium Salts on Growth, Polygalacturonase Activity, and Infection of Peach Fruit by Monilinia fructicola. Plant Disease, 1997-04, roč. 81, čís. 4, s. 399–403. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-07-28]. ISSN0191-2917. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS.1997.81.4.399. PMID 30861823. (po anglicky)
HAGHIKIA, Arash; ZIMMERMANN, Friederike; SCHUMANN, Paul. Propionate attenuates atherosclerosis by immune-dependent regulation of intestinal cholesterol metabolism. European Heart Journal, 2022-02-10, roč. 43, čís. 6, s. 518–533. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-07-28]. ISSN0195-668X. DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab644. (po anglicky)
MACFABE, D; CAIN, D; RODRIGUEZCAPOTE, K. Neurobiological effects of intraventricular propionic acid in rats: Possible role of short chain fatty acids on the pathogenesis and characteristics of autism spectrum disorders. Behavioural Brain Research, 2007-01-10, roč. 176, čís. 1, s. 149–169. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-07-28]. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2006.07.025. PMID 16950524. (po anglicky)
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BIGGS, A. R; EL-KHOLI, M. M; EL-NESHAWY, S. Effects of Calcium Salts on Growth, Polygalacturonase Activity, and Infection of Peach Fruit by Monilinia fructicola. Plant Disease, 1997-04, roč. 81, čís. 4, s. 399–403. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-07-28]. ISSN0191-2917. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS.1997.81.4.399. PMID 30861823. (po anglicky)
HAGHIKIA, Arash; ZIMMERMANN, Friederike; SCHUMANN, Paul. Propionate attenuates atherosclerosis by immune-dependent regulation of intestinal cholesterol metabolism. European Heart Journal, 2022-02-10, roč. 43, čís. 6, s. 518–533. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-07-28]. ISSN0195-668X. DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab644. (po anglicky)
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GSFA Online Food Additive Details for Calcium Propionate [online]., 2006-10-21, [cit. 2023-07-28]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2006-10-21 z originálu.
JURÍKOVÁ, K; ŠUBÍK, J. Výskyt mikroorganizmov pri výrobe chleba. Bulletin potravinárskeho výskumu (Bratislava: Národné poľnohospodárske a potravinárske centrum - Výskumný ústav potravinársky), 1979, roč. 18, čís. 4, s. 35-39. Dostupné online. ISSN0231-9950.
BIGGS, A. R; EL-KHOLI, M. M; EL-NESHAWY, S. Effects of Calcium Salts on Growth, Polygalacturonase Activity, and Infection of Peach Fruit by Monilinia fructicola. Plant Disease, 1997-04, roč. 81, čís. 4, s. 399–403. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-07-28]. ISSN0191-2917. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS.1997.81.4.399. PMID 30861823. (po anglicky)
HAGHIKIA, Arash; ZIMMERMANN, Friederike; SCHUMANN, Paul. Propionate attenuates atherosclerosis by immune-dependent regulation of intestinal cholesterol metabolism. European Heart Journal, 2022-02-10, roč. 43, čís. 6, s. 518–533. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-07-28]. ISSN0195-668X. DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab644. (po anglicky)