This reminiscence, from a talk by Moszkowski presented at the APS meeting in Indianapolis, May 4, 1996, is mentioned by Georges Audi in the paper "The History of Nuclidic Masses and of their Evaluation" (arXiv 2006)
Herrmann, Richard (2010). ”Higher dimensional mixed fractional rotation groups as a basis for dynamic symmetries generating the spectrum of the deformed Nilsson-oscillator”. Physica A 389 (4): sid. 693. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2009.11.016. Bibcode: 2010PhyA..389..693H.
Herrmann, Richard (2010). ”Fractional phase transition in medium size metal clusters and some remarks on magic numbers in gravitationally and weakly bound clusters”. Physica A 389 (16): sid. 3307. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.03.033. Bibcode: 2010PhyA..389.3307H.
Herrmann, Richard (2010). ”Higher dimensional mixed fractional rotation groups as a basis for dynamic symmetries generating the spectrum of the deformed Nilsson-oscillator”. Physica A 389 (4): sid. 693. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2009.11.016. Bibcode: 2010PhyA..389..693H.
Herrmann, Richard (2010). ”Fractional phase transition in medium size metal clusters and some remarks on magic numbers in gravitationally and weakly bound clusters”. Physica A 389 (16): sid. 3307. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.03.033. Bibcode: 2010PhyA..389.3307H.