Critical Rules of Johann Albrecht Bengel, Hämtat 24 maj 2008. ”Brevior lectio, nisi testium vetustorum et gravium auctoritate penitus destituatur, praeferenda est verbosiori. Librarii enim multo proniores ad addendum fuerunt, quam ad omittendum.”
Theories of Westcott and Hort, Hämtat 24 maj 2008. ”The reading is to be preferred that makes the best sense, that is, that best conforms to the grammar and is most congruous with the purport of the rest of the sentence and of the larger context.” (2.20).
Aland Barbara, Delobel Joël, red (1994) (på engelska). New Testament textual criticism, exegesis, and early church history: a discussion of methods. Contributions to biblical exegesis and theology, 0926-6097 ; 7. Kampen: Kok Pharos. Libris7397146. ISBN 90-390-0105-7 s. 138