Muehlenhard, Charlene L.; Peterson, Zoe D.; Humphreys, Terry P.; Jozkowski, Kristen N. (16 May 2017). "Evaluating the One-in-Five Statistic: Women's Risk of Sexual Assault While in College". The Journal of Sex Research54 (4): 565. doi:10.1080/00224499.2017.1295014. பப்மெட்:28375675. "As discussed, evidence does not support the assumption that college students experience more sexual assault than nonstudents".
Muehlenhard, Charlene L.; Peterson, Zoe D.; Humphreys, Terry P.; Jozkowski, Kristen N. (16 May 2017). "Evaluating the One-in-Five Statistic: Women's Risk of Sexual Assault While in College". The Journal of Sex Research54 (4): 549–576. doi:10.1080/00224499.2017.1295014. பப்மெட்:28375675.
DeKeseredy, Walter; Kelly, Katharine (1993). "The incidence and prevalence of woman abuse in Canadian university and college dating relationships". Canadian Journal of Sociology18 (2): 137–159. doi:10.2307/3341255.
Muehlenhard, Charlene L.; Peterson, Zoe D.; Humphreys, Terry P.; Jozkowski, Kristen N. (16 May 2017). "Evaluating the One-in-Five Statistic: Women's Risk of Sexual Assault While in College". The Journal of Sex Research54 (4): 565. doi:10.1080/00224499.2017.1295014. பப்மெட்:28375675. "As discussed, evidence does not support the assumption that college students experience more sexual assault than nonstudents".
Muehlenhard, Charlene L.; Peterson, Zoe D.; Humphreys, Terry P.; Jozkowski, Kristen N. (16 May 2017). "Evaluating the One-in-Five Statistic: Women's Risk of Sexual Assault While in College". The Journal of Sex Research54 (4): 549–576. doi:10.1080/00224499.2017.1295014. பப்மெட்:28375675.