Baltic States: A Study of their Origin and National Development, Their Seizure and Incorporation into U.S.S.R. Interim Report of the Select Committee on Communist Aggression, House of Representatives, Eighty Third Congress, Second Session, 1954, Under the Authority of H. Res. 346 and H. Res. 438. Reprinted in the series International Military Law & History, Vol. IV. Edited by Igor I. Kavass and Adolph Sprudzs. Buffalo: William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 1972.— P. 342.
Див.: Baltic States: A Study of their Origin and National Development, Their Seizure and Incorporation into U.S.S.R. Interim Report of the Select Committee on Communist Aggression, House of Representatives, Eighty Third Congress, Second Session, 1954, Under the Authority of H. Res. 346 and H. Res. 438. Reprinted in the series International Military Law & History, Vol. IV. Edited by Igor I. Kavass and Adolph Sprudzs. Buffalo: William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 1972.— P. 342. [Архівовано 4 травня 2021 у Wayback Machine.]
Див.: Baltic States: A Study of their Origin and National Development, Their Seizure and Incorporation into U.S.S.R. Interim Report of the Select Committee on Communist Aggression, House of Representatives, Eighty Third Congress, Second Session, 1954, Under the Authority of H. Res. 346 and H. Res. 438. Reprinted in the series International Military Law & History, Vol. IV. Edited by Igor I. Kavass and Adolph Sprudzs. Buffalo: William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 1972.— P. 342. [Архівовано 4 травня 2021 у Wayback Machine.]