
14 Women is a 2007 documentary film directed by Mary Lambert and narrated by Annette Bening. The film released on June 14, 2007 as part of Silverdocs, and focuses on several female Senators serving in the 109th United States Congress. The film examines the 109th United States Congress. When it convened, there were fourteen women in the Senate: Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Susan Collins, Elizabeth Dole, Dianne Feinstein, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln (Lambert’s sister), Barbara Mikulski, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, Olympia Snowe, and Debbie Stabenow. The documentary features interviews with several people, including the Senators' family members, Delaware Senator Joe Biden, and singer Alanis Morissette. More information...

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