Avalanche is a decentralized, open-source proof of stake blockchain with smart contract functionality. AVAX is the native cryptocurrency of the platform. Avalanche began as a protocol for solving for consensus in a network of unreliable machines, where failures may be crash-fault or Byzantine. The protocol's fundamentals were first shared on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) in May 2018 by a pseudonymous group of enthusiasts going by the name "Team Rocket". Avalanche was later developed by researchers from Cornell University led by Emin Gün Sirer and doctoral students Maofan "Ted" Yin and Kevin Sekniqi. Following the research stage, a startup technology company was founded to develop a blockchain network that would meet finance industry requirements. In March, 2020, the AVA codebase (Developer Accelerator Program or AVA DAP) for the Avalanche consensus protocol was released as open-source and became available to the public. More information...
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