
Bizrate Insights Inc., doing business as Bizrate Insights, is a market research company, providing consumer ratings information to over 6,000 retailers and publishers across the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Canada. Bizrate Insights is a Dotdash Meredith company based in Los Angeles, CA. Bizrate Insights provides services to both businesses and consumers in two different ways: consumers have access to ratings and reviews from verified buyers that help to inform their purchase decisions. This feedback can be found on the Bizrate website and is syndicated across the web to major search engines such as Google and Bing. Bizrate Insights provides businesses with customer satisfaction insights about consumers, advanced analytics, and competitive benchmarks across all types of online retail industries. More information...

According to PR-model, is ranked 1,323,072nd in multilingual Wikipedia, in particular this website is ranked 140,942nd in Japanese Wikipedia.

The website is placed before and after in the BestRef global ranking of the most important sources of Wikipedia.

PR-model F-model AR-model
1,323,072nd place
1,504,227th place
2,719,121st place
140,942nd place
346,227th place
272,792nd place
20,309th place
79,421st place
74,015th place
1,768,183rd place
1,435,515th place
1,680,205th place