Century High School is a four-year public secondary school in Pocatello, Idaho, United States. Opened in 1999, it serves the southeast portion of the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District #25, and is the newest of the district's three traditional high schools. Residents of the Idaho State University properties which house university students with dependent children, McIntosh Manor (Building #57), Pulling Courts (Building #53), and Ridge Crest Townhomes (Building #54), are zoned to Century High School. Century competes in athletics in IHSAA Class 4A, the second-highest classification in the state. It is currently a member of the Great Basin (East) Conference, with Pocatello and Preston. The volleyball team won a third consecutive 4A state title in the fall of 2012. The football team won three state 4A titles in four seasons from 2000–03, as did the girls soccer team (2003–06). More information...
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