Machzikei Hadas (literally translated from Hebrew as 'Supporters of the law') is a Modern Orthodox synagogue in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Congregation Machzikei Hadas, is open to all, regardless of level of observance. Machzikei Hadas is broadening its programing for young families in an attempt to boost membership. The Jewish population of Ottawa grew from 20 families in 1889 to approximately 5,500 in 1961. The Congregation Machzikei Hadas congregation first began Shabos services in a home on St. Patrick Street owned by Mr and Mrs Goldberg in 1907, paying 25 cents per week dues. They rented a hall at the corner of Dalhousie and St. Patrick Street for one month covering Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipur, and charging $1.00. On May 12, 1908, the 264 Murray Street former premises of Adath Jeshurun Congregation and subsequent soda water factory of Michael Fine, was purchased for $1,800.00 by 15 to 20 families for their first permanent Machzikei Hadas synagogue. Henry Levine, tailor, Nathan Wolfe, tailor, Benjamin Natham(son), peddler, Max Friedman, shoemaker, Max Lachowitz, peddler and Abraham Apple(baum), carpenter. Leibel and Mendle Steinberg and Kseil and Abraham Applebaum worked on 264 Murray to transform it into a synagogue again. In 1923, the congregation purchased two homes owned by Oscar Petigrosky at the corner of King Edward and Murray Streets. The congregation met in various temporary locations until 1927. Werner Edgar Noffke (architect) designed the synagogue on King Edward Avenue at Murray Street, (1926–27). The synagogue at 259 Murray Street opened in 1929. Rev. Baker served as cantor from 1910 until his death in 1945. From 1909 until 1960, part-time rabbis served both the Machzikei Hadas and B'nai Jacob congregations. Rabbi Stanley Webber, who emphasized education, became the congregation's first full-time spiritual leader 1960–1962. Rabbi Abraham Rubin served the congregation from 1962 until 1967. The congregation affiliated with the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregation in 1960. Dr. Reuven Bulka, who has served as spiritual leader of Congregation Machzikei Hadas in Ottawa since 1967, and became rabbi emeritus in 2015, emphasized adult education, psychology, and Judaism. More information...
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