
Counterfeit Cat is an animated television series developed by Aardman Animations, Cristina Fiumara, and Ben Marsaud. The series is produced by Wildseed Kids, Tricon Kids & Family, and Aardman Animations, in association with Teletoon, with the participation of Disney XD, and with animation provided by Atomic Cartoons. The series first aired on Disney XD in the United Kingdom on May 12, 2016. In Canada, it premiered on November 1, 2016. A total of 52 episodes were produced. The series revolves around the adventures of Max (Marc Wootton), a lazy yellow housecat, and Gark (Alex Kelly) a blue alien who disguised himself as a purple-knitted cat. Gark crashed his spaceship on Earth, landing in the laundry room of Betty (Kayvan Novak), a klutzy yet kind old woman who is Max's owner. Gark believes that Max is a tiger, the bravest species on Earth, despite Max's cowardice. The two often find themselves in surreal and dangerous situations due to Gark's unstable, bizarre powers, which Max often uses to his own advantage without thinking of the consequences. More information...

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