
Dies Irae (Japanese: ディエス・イレ, Hepburn: Diesu Ire) is a 2017 anime series based on Light's visual novel of the same name, animated by A.C.G.T. On May 1, 1945 in Germany, a group of Nazi officers carried out a certain ritual during Berlin's collapse since the countless lives lost in the battle served as a catalyst to their sacrificial ceremony. Following the war, they faded into the realm of myth with no one knowing if this group of officers succeeded in reviving the Order of the 13 Lances. 61 years later in Japan, Ren Fujii's friendship with Shirou Yusa shatters to pieces following a certain incident, ending in a vicious fight that sends Ren into the hospital for two months. After leaving the hospital, Ren intended to rebuild his new life without Shirou, but his plan falls apart as irrationality that defies the realm of common sense begins to assault and devour the city. Abnormalities soon seek to destroy everything Ren holds dear before his eyes with overwhelming violence. Even if it means crossing the boundary between the ordinary and the extraordinary, Ren must change though his desires are hardly anything grand. All he wants is to return to the old days filled with simple, everyday joy. More information...

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