The Doug Banks Radio Show was an American radio show produced by American Urban Radio Networks hosted by veteran radio personalities Doug Banks, Dee Dee Renee and George Willborn. It aired daily from 2PM to 6PM (central time). The show began national syndication on January 11, 2008 from its flagship station WVAZ in Chicago, Illinois as The Ride with Doug and DeDe with DeDe McGuire being the original co-host. A similar show, The Doug Banks Morning Show, aired on ABC Radio Networks for several years prior in the morning drive time slot. Prior to 2010, Banks was aired on Citadel Media and its predecessor, ABC Radio Networks. The show was renamed The Doug Banks Radio Show when it moved to AURN July 28, 2010. In late 2014, DeDe McGuire announced that she would be leaving to continue working on her own show "DeDe in the Morning". After DeDe McGuire departure from the show she was replaced with Virginia native Dee Dee Renee More information...
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