Entekhab (Persian: انتخاب; Choice) was a Persian language newspaper published in Iran between 1991 and 2004. Nevertheless, its news website is active under the name of "Entekhab" (Entekhab.ir) and has turned into one of the most highly visited news websites in Iran, close to reformists. Entekhab was founded by Mohammad Mahdi Faghihi, who was previously the founder of the respected philosophical quarterly, Naghd va Nazar. The daily had a moderate stance and its editorials were mostly educated in Qom's seminary, but their new insights on Entekhab shook the political scene in Iran during the late 1990s. More information...
According to PR-model, entekhab.ir is ranked 3,193rd in multilingual Wikipedia, in particular this website is ranked 60th in Persian Wikipedia.
The website is placed before midilibre.fr and after promiflash.de in the BestRef global ranking of the most important sources of Wikipedia.