
Film Crash is a California-based annual film festival and screenplay competition, programming independent, animated, experimental, low-budget and underground films. The programmers award prizes. In 1985 film director Matthew Harrison launched a floating film screening series in the East Village, Manhattan, adopting the name Film Crash and its associated logo in early 1988. He was joined later that year by film directors Karl Nussbaum and Scott Saunders. Film Crash grew, playing in venues such as 124 Ridge Street Gallery, Performance Space 122, R.A.P.P. Arts Center, Angelika Film Center, Shooting Gallery, São Paulo Museum of Image and Sound, Hirshhorn Museum in Washington D.C. and Heliotrope Theater in Los Angeles. In 2014 Film Crash was held in Mid-City, Los Angeles on October 22. In 2015 a Screenplay Competition component was added to Film Crash. The 2022 Film Crash festival and screenplay competition was held at the Laemmle Royal Theatre in West Los Angeles on October 15. More information...

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