The Aalborg Defence and Garrison Museum (Danish: Aalborg Forsvars- og Garnisonsmuseum) is a military museum in Aalborg, Denmark that covers all branches (except naval) of Danish defence organizations. The museum is located in a seaplane hangar, built by German occupation forces during World War II. The German seaplane base Seefliegerhorst Aalborg was established there in 1940. Following the war, the hangar was used as a storage depot for equipment of the Danish Civil Defence Forces. In August 2001, the hangar was provided to the Garrison Historical Society of Aalborg for the creation of a military museum. The building was renovated and the museum opened on 22 June 2002. In 2009 a second exhibition hall was opened creating a total exhibit area of approximately 15,000 square metres (160,000 sq ft). More information...
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